Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Has Society Treated Men and Women Equally Through the...

Has society treated men and women equally through the years? During the most inhuman, barbaric, and sadistic period of history, women seem to be mistreated in a higher degree. For many years women were not only considered the weaker sex but also repressed and dehumanized by the male dominated society. As terrible as The Holocaust that persecuted and killed millions of Jewish and other groups considered undesirable, was the impact of slavery on American slaves. Slavery and male dominant society occurred simultaneously; therefore, women were twice discriminated, abused, and mistreated. There are multiple indirect and direct records of the suffering women went trough during this horrible and sad period in history. â€Å"Incidents in the Life of a†¦show more content†¦The masters very often took advantage of their unprotected female slaves and sexually abused them. In the eyes of masters, slaves were God-breathing machines, no more than the cotton they plant or the horses they tend; furthermore, they felt entitled to use them as sexual entertainment too. What misfortune for those young slaves that as a result of the sexual abuse conceived a baby from their master! The desperation of this event can only be seen superficially throughout the exclamation of the young slave’s mother: â€Å"The baby is dead, thank God; and I hope my poor child will soon be in heaven, too† (15) Jacob was herself victim of a sadistic and lustful master who harassed her during her adolescence. She wrote about her master’s attitude toward her â€Å"No animal ever watched its prey more narrowly than he watched me.† (37) Escaping from her sadistic master after having two children from Mr. Sand, Jacobs hid in a tiny space under the roof of a shed added to her grandmother’s house. Describing the inhuman condition of this place that was worse than a prison, she wrote â€Å"Never occupied by anything but rats and mice.† (95) The precarious place was of a darkness total with almost noShow MoreRelatedGender Equality : The Inequality Of Women In Society1197 Words   |  5 PagesWomen have had an ongoing struggle to be equal and have rights, opportunities despite the centuries of gender inequality. We believe that all people are created equally in the eyes of God and have privileges, self-respect, and the potential to succeed in life. In the world we live in today, however, we constantly face many kinds of neglect based on our different traits. All over the world, there are others with who may be prejudice of particular race or gender. What exactly is discrimination? ItRead MoreWomen s Rights Of Women1495 Words   |  6 PagesIn present society, to deem women inferior to men is highly unconstitutional, according to western culture. 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