Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Neurosis of Nathaniel Hawthorne Essay example

The Neurosis of Nathaniel Hawthorne The influence of Freuds theory of the dynamics of human personality extends far beyond the discipline of behavioral science, reaching into areas such as humanities, philosophy, and literature. Freud believed that a work of literature is the external expression of the authors unconscious mind. Therefore, we must treat the work of literature as a dream, then reveal hidden motivations and repressed desires by applying psychoanalytic techniques. In the story Young Goodman Brown, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, I will explore the use of symbols and repressed images by the author that are conveyed throughout the story. To understand better the approach of psychoanalytic criticism, we must first define a†¦show more content†¦The id is the source for all psychosexual desires and psychic energy. The id operates on the pleasure principal, demanding immediate satisfaction. The ego is the rational and logical part of the mind. It operates as a balance or regulator to the id. The final part is the superego, an internal censor that allows people to make moral judgments in light of social pressures. (150-151) Between the id, ego, and superego, exists an ever-changing balance is created. When the ego cannot meet the needs of the id and superego, a neurosis is created: It is these unresolved conflicts (i.e. neurosis) that Freud seeks to resolve so the patient can return to normalcy. (Bressler 153) Using this tripartite model is an important element for dream interpretation, which is the basis for my criticism of Young Goodman Brown A psychoanalytic criticism of Young Goodman Brown will view the entire story as a single dream of Nathaniel Hawthornes. Freud believed that dreams stored hidden repressed sexual desires, anger, rage, guilt, and emotions from the unconscious. Therefore, our psyche recreates these repressed feeling and emotions through our dreams. When the critic analyzes the literature as a dream, he then unlocks the hidden messages, repressed desires, and underlying motivations of the author. Central to the story of Goodman Brown is his curious journey with the stranger. A lthough the reader is never directly told why BrownShow MoreRelated Psychoanalitic Approach to The Minister’s Black Veil Essay2506 Words   |  11 PagesHooper, pacing slowly his meditative way towards the meeting-house. With one accord they started, expressing more wonder than if some strange minister were coming to dust the cushions of Mr. Hooper’s pulpit · Working in the realm of the Gothic, Nathaniel Hawthorne hits upon psychological points that few of his readers are willing to explore. Of course, one may not be able to relate to an example involving such an eccentric display as Mr. Hooper’s. There is a sudden hush throughout the audience, followed

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