Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Neurosis of Nathaniel Hawthorne Essay example

The Neurosis of Nathaniel Hawthorne The influence of Freuds theory of the dynamics of human personality extends far beyond the discipline of behavioral science, reaching into areas such as humanities, philosophy, and literature. Freud believed that a work of literature is the external expression of the authors unconscious mind. Therefore, we must treat the work of literature as a dream, then reveal hidden motivations and repressed desires by applying psychoanalytic techniques. In the story Young Goodman Brown, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, I will explore the use of symbols and repressed images by the author that are conveyed throughout the story. To understand better the approach of psychoanalytic criticism, we must first define a†¦show more content†¦The id is the source for all psychosexual desires and psychic energy. The id operates on the pleasure principal, demanding immediate satisfaction. The ego is the rational and logical part of the mind. It operates as a balance or regulator to the id. The final part is the superego, an internal censor that allows people to make moral judgments in light of social pressures. (150-151) Between the id, ego, and superego, exists an ever-changing balance is created. When the ego cannot meet the needs of the id and superego, a neurosis is created: It is these unresolved conflicts (i.e. neurosis) that Freud seeks to resolve so the patient can return to normalcy. (Bressler 153) Using this tripartite model is an important element for dream interpretation, which is the basis for my criticism of Young Goodman Brown A psychoanalytic criticism of Young Goodman Brown will view the entire story as a single dream of Nathaniel Hawthornes. Freud believed that dreams stored hidden repressed sexual desires, anger, rage, guilt, and emotions from the unconscious. Therefore, our psyche recreates these repressed feeling and emotions through our dreams. When the critic analyzes the literature as a dream, he then unlocks the hidden messages, repressed desires, and underlying motivations of the author. Central to the story of Goodman Brown is his curious journey with the stranger. A lthough the reader is never directly told why BrownShow MoreRelated Psychoanalitic Approach to The Minister’s Black Veil Essay2506 Words   |  11 PagesHooper, pacing slowly his meditative way towards the meeting-house. With one accord they started, expressing more wonder than if some strange minister were coming to dust the cushions of Mr. Hooper’s pulpit · Working in the realm of the Gothic, Nathaniel Hawthorne hits upon psychological points that few of his readers are willing to explore. Of course, one may not be able to relate to an example involving such an eccentric display as Mr. Hooper’s. There is a sudden hush throughout the audience, followed

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Analysis of The Yellow Wallpaper, The Birthmark, and The...

There have been various analysis based on these three stories and the characters involved: â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper,† â€Å"The Birthmark,† and â€Å"The Goose Girl†. This paper will focus on analysis based on figurative languages used either consciously or unconsciously, the passivity of the characters, motivations, role performed in the story, and the agendas used by the various authors. The point of this analysis is to show how various authors have used short stories to give the world a diverse message that can be spun in many different directions. â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† is a short story by Charlotte Perkins Gilman who specialized in poetry, short stories and social reform. Jane in â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† is a passive character that shows†¦show more content†¦The location utilized in this short story is an ideal prison location. It is considered to be a secluded area with nobody but a mansion at a particular landscape.  "It is quite alone, standing well back from the road, three miles from the village† (Charlotte Perkins Gilman). The description of the place by the narrator shows an exact image of what the critic calls â€Å"Foucauldian prison.† â€Å"The narrator is confined to a nursery at the top of the house that is similar to a cell in Panopticon.† â€Å"In short, it reverses the principle of the dungeon; or rather of its three functions—to enclose, to deprive of light and to hide—it preserves only the first and eliminates the other two. Full lighting and the eye of a supervisor capture better than darkness, which ultimately protected. Visibility is a trap† (Michel Foucault, 1979). The prison in which the narrator is held is unlike every other prison that is known in the outside world. Rather than iron gates being used as doors to confine all inmates to a particular cell, wallpaper is used as bars instead. The critic believes that the light from the wal lpaper was so bright. This is a feature not seen in an everyday prison. Foucault also argues the case about seeing the narrator in â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† as an â€Å"infant-like Feminist†. â€Å"She is also an infant-like feminist who consciously rather than unconsciously rebels against the social Panopticon. She tries her best to use ‘pen’ which symbolizes ‘penis’ to

Monday, December 9, 2019

If i become a priminister for a day free essay sample

If I become prime minister for a day, I will formulate new policies to bring down the prices of essential commodities, food and vegetables. I will ensure to check oil prices. I will frame good policies for the health of children, women and elderly people. I will ensure the security of the country internally and externally is upgraded. I will ensure laws to empower women. I will create better atmosphere to root out the corruption and make government transparent. I will reform the laws for better justice and redressal of public grievances. I will work to make my country prosperous. Gayatri R Mehra, Grade 5 As Prime Minister, I would like to: * Help the women who are not educated * Make women independent * Write for poor children * Improve Indias security * Control prices * Rural schools get good and sincere teachers * Make admission to higher education courses based on merit * Bring computers, internet and telephone lines to the remotest corners of the country * Establish peace with the neighboring countries Parinita H Rawale, Grade 5 If I am prime minister, I will help those poor women who have little resources. We will write a custom essay sample on If i become a priminister for a day or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I will provide them with facilities to make their lives easier. I will help children who are displaced in wars. I will set up an organisation like Unicef to help them lead better lives with facilities like education, health care. I will work for the progress of the country and strive to make it the best in the world. Dream Job Since childhood , it is my dream to be a teacher . It is the noblest job in the world where teacher molds the characters of different personalities not just in academics but as well as the individual . There will be no doctors and any other professions if there are no teachers thus , the future of our nation lies on the teacher s hands . This principle is inculcated in my mind and it motivates me to pursue this dream of mine As an aspirant , I want to be competitive and equipped in the profession I have chosen which is to be a good teacher someday because I want to give my future students the best of me and not the least . This dream motivates me to further my studies in education where I can be a competitive teacher and a role model to my students . I believe that the graduate study would be able to help me achieve this dream This program , graduate study , would help me become more develop and equip on the things that I want to learn that I can be able to use in my teaching career in the future . I believe that it is not sufficient to be a graduate of a normal school or college , or to stand high in the profession of teaching . Like the students , the teacher must grow , and this growth must be long lines both professional and general . The teacher must have knowledge of educational movements and a familiarity with the progress in educational thought and research . Hence , with the progress in education literature and new education textbooks , and adopt the new ideas that are sound that I can learn from the graduate school The zeal with which the teacher takes up and tests them in is one of the most helpful features of education work . The graduate school would help me become an earnest searcher and investigator in my own professional field . Thus , this program would develop my ability to create effective learning situation As a preparation for the graduate school , I took an education degree and I am about to graduate in June with a degree in

Monday, December 2, 2019

William Shakespeare Essays (1142 words) - William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare Even after four centuries, the literary world remains to uphold Shakespeare as the greatest genius in British literature. While best known as a dramatist, Shakespeare was also a distinguished poet. Shakespeares extraordinary gifts for complex poetic imagery, mixed metaphor, and intelligent puns, along with insight into human nature are the characteristics that created the legend he is today. The following essay will address how Shakespeare contributed to modern playwright, the point in time when Shakespeare wrote some of his great plays, which was the Elizabethan era, and the beginning of his acting and playwright career, had influences with William Shakespeare. When you consider the influence of Shakespeare on the modern playwright, it cannot mean purely the choice of plots, since Shakespeare borrowed them from other sources and from history. The lessons he teaches are not merely narrative or certainly those of architecture but individual ones of texture. Shakespeare was an actor, whether great or even good is of no importance. What is certain is that he had to have been a very interesting actor to write works such as King Lear and The Comedy of Errors. He knew in the most delicate detail the possibilities of the actors skills and elevated them to the level of the great (Everything Shakespeare np). He lived at a time when sophistication of audiences had not yet come to demand such plays without impurities, so far more had to be assigned to the domain of imagination. When there were battles, the battles are shown in isolated parts of the conflicts. The suggestive powers of the actor demanded a far greater burden then they do today, for time and space had to be placed with people and decorated by the persuasion of the word and gesture. A boatman rowing across an unseen river finds the way of suggesting not only water but also wind and current by the movements of his body(Rowse 57). Naturally enough, technical advances of three centuries have served to weaken the demands on the public imagination and to assign the actors to roles of simple instruments in an ever-growing orchestra. The stage made a dramatic change from the upper and lower stage of the Elizabethan playhouse, yielding in the seventeenth century, to the proscenium that we know today. Shakespeare was performed under what must have been extraordinarily cumbersome conditions (Cahn 230). Shakespeare was in fact fortunate that he lived in the period he did. It was an era when English drama flourished. His works were based on many different aspects of that period. Many of his plays are traced back to the life or works of saints, biblical accounts, and morality plays, which were particularly from the medieval ages (Cahn ix). The Elizabethan era that he lived in brought about a renewed interest in classical drama. Shakespeare drew upon the literary brilliance of other great writers in that same time period such as Christopher Marlowe, Sir Philip Sydney, Edmund Spenser, Holinshed, and Edward Hall. Shakespeare was influenced by elements of classical literature to create his own distinct form of poetry and drama. His history plays borrow from English histories, and his comedies often incorporate aspects of English folklore. His mythological themes were modeled after Ovids works (Cahn 5). Much of Shakespeares stylistic qualities of writing can be attributed to elements of Ro man classicism, derived from Plautus and Terence. The themes of his comedies are often reflected by Italian Renaissance literature. His history plays tend to trace the English monarchy from the fourteenth century to the emergence of the Tudors in the sixteenth century (Cahn 283). There are numerous reasons as to why William Shakespeare is so famous. He is generally considered to be both the greatest dramatist as well as the most brilliant poet who has written in the English language. Many rationales can be supported to explain Shakespeares enormous appeal (The Shakespeare np). His fame can be attributed to his vast knowledge and understanding of human nature. He was able to find human qualities and employ then into situations in which complex characters were derived that prove to be individual as well. The struggles represented in his works are applicable to everyone. Sometimes the characters are successful, sometimes they fail,