Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Neurosis of Nathaniel Hawthorne Essay example

The Neurosis of Nathaniel Hawthorne The influence of Freuds theory of the dynamics of human personality extends far beyond the discipline of behavioral science, reaching into areas such as humanities, philosophy, and literature. Freud believed that a work of literature is the external expression of the authors unconscious mind. Therefore, we must treat the work of literature as a dream, then reveal hidden motivations and repressed desires by applying psychoanalytic techniques. In the story Young Goodman Brown, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, I will explore the use of symbols and repressed images by the author that are conveyed throughout the story. To understand better the approach of psychoanalytic criticism, we must first define a†¦show more content†¦The id is the source for all psychosexual desires and psychic energy. The id operates on the pleasure principal, demanding immediate satisfaction. The ego is the rational and logical part of the mind. It operates as a balance or regulator to the id. The final part is the superego, an internal censor that allows people to make moral judgments in light of social pressures. (150-151) Between the id, ego, and superego, exists an ever-changing balance is created. When the ego cannot meet the needs of the id and superego, a neurosis is created: It is these unresolved conflicts (i.e. neurosis) that Freud seeks to resolve so the patient can return to normalcy. (Bressler 153) Using this tripartite model is an important element for dream interpretation, which is the basis for my criticism of Young Goodman Brown A psychoanalytic criticism of Young Goodman Brown will view the entire story as a single dream of Nathaniel Hawthornes. Freud believed that dreams stored hidden repressed sexual desires, anger, rage, guilt, and emotions from the unconscious. Therefore, our psyche recreates these repressed feeling and emotions through our dreams. When the critic analyzes the literature as a dream, he then unlocks the hidden messages, repressed desires, and underlying motivations of the author. Central to the story of Goodman Brown is his curious journey with the stranger. A lthough the reader is never directly told why BrownShow MoreRelated Psychoanalitic Approach to The Minister’s Black Veil Essay2506 Words   |  11 PagesHooper, pacing slowly his meditative way towards the meeting-house. With one accord they started, expressing more wonder than if some strange minister were coming to dust the cushions of Mr. Hooper’s pulpit · Working in the realm of the Gothic, Nathaniel Hawthorne hits upon psychological points that few of his readers are willing to explore. Of course, one may not be able to relate to an example involving such an eccentric display as Mr. Hooper’s. There is a sudden hush throughout the audience, followed

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Analysis of The Yellow Wallpaper, The Birthmark, and The...

There have been various analysis based on these three stories and the characters involved: â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper,† â€Å"The Birthmark,† and â€Å"The Goose Girl†. This paper will focus on analysis based on figurative languages used either consciously or unconsciously, the passivity of the characters, motivations, role performed in the story, and the agendas used by the various authors. The point of this analysis is to show how various authors have used short stories to give the world a diverse message that can be spun in many different directions. â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† is a short story by Charlotte Perkins Gilman who specialized in poetry, short stories and social reform. Jane in â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† is a passive character that shows†¦show more content†¦The location utilized in this short story is an ideal prison location. It is considered to be a secluded area with nobody but a mansion at a particular landscape.  "It is quite alone, standing well back from the road, three miles from the village† (Charlotte Perkins Gilman). The description of the place by the narrator shows an exact image of what the critic calls â€Å"Foucauldian prison.† â€Å"The narrator is confined to a nursery at the top of the house that is similar to a cell in Panopticon.† â€Å"In short, it reverses the principle of the dungeon; or rather of its three functions—to enclose, to deprive of light and to hide—it preserves only the first and eliminates the other two. Full lighting and the eye of a supervisor capture better than darkness, which ultimately protected. Visibility is a trap† (Michel Foucault, 1979). The prison in which the narrator is held is unlike every other prison that is known in the outside world. Rather than iron gates being used as doors to confine all inmates to a particular cell, wallpaper is used as bars instead. The critic believes that the light from the wal lpaper was so bright. This is a feature not seen in an everyday prison. Foucault also argues the case about seeing the narrator in â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† as an â€Å"infant-like Feminist†. â€Å"She is also an infant-like feminist who consciously rather than unconsciously rebels against the social Panopticon. She tries her best to use ‘pen’ which symbolizes ‘penis’ to

Monday, December 9, 2019

If i become a priminister for a day free essay sample

If I become prime minister for a day, I will formulate new policies to bring down the prices of essential commodities, food and vegetables. I will ensure to check oil prices. I will frame good policies for the health of children, women and elderly people. I will ensure the security of the country internally and externally is upgraded. I will ensure laws to empower women. I will create better atmosphere to root out the corruption and make government transparent. I will reform the laws for better justice and redressal of public grievances. I will work to make my country prosperous. Gayatri R Mehra, Grade 5 As Prime Minister, I would like to: * Help the women who are not educated * Make women independent * Write for poor children * Improve Indias security * Control prices * Rural schools get good and sincere teachers * Make admission to higher education courses based on merit * Bring computers, internet and telephone lines to the remotest corners of the country * Establish peace with the neighboring countries Parinita H Rawale, Grade 5 If I am prime minister, I will help those poor women who have little resources. We will write a custom essay sample on If i become a priminister for a day or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I will provide them with facilities to make their lives easier. I will help children who are displaced in wars. I will set up an organisation like Unicef to help them lead better lives with facilities like education, health care. I will work for the progress of the country and strive to make it the best in the world. Dream Job Since childhood , it is my dream to be a teacher . It is the noblest job in the world where teacher molds the characters of different personalities not just in academics but as well as the individual . There will be no doctors and any other professions if there are no teachers thus , the future of our nation lies on the teacher s hands . This principle is inculcated in my mind and it motivates me to pursue this dream of mine As an aspirant , I want to be competitive and equipped in the profession I have chosen which is to be a good teacher someday because I want to give my future students the best of me and not the least . This dream motivates me to further my studies in education where I can be a competitive teacher and a role model to my students . I believe that the graduate study would be able to help me achieve this dream This program , graduate study , would help me become more develop and equip on the things that I want to learn that I can be able to use in my teaching career in the future . I believe that it is not sufficient to be a graduate of a normal school or college , or to stand high in the profession of teaching . Like the students , the teacher must grow , and this growth must be long lines both professional and general . The teacher must have knowledge of educational movements and a familiarity with the progress in educational thought and research . Hence , with the progress in education literature and new education textbooks , and adopt the new ideas that are sound that I can learn from the graduate school The zeal with which the teacher takes up and tests them in is one of the most helpful features of education work . The graduate school would help me become an earnest searcher and investigator in my own professional field . Thus , this program would develop my ability to create effective learning situation As a preparation for the graduate school , I took an education degree and I am about to graduate in June with a degree in

Monday, December 2, 2019

William Shakespeare Essays (1142 words) - William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare Even after four centuries, the literary world remains to uphold Shakespeare as the greatest genius in British literature. While best known as a dramatist, Shakespeare was also a distinguished poet. Shakespeares extraordinary gifts for complex poetic imagery, mixed metaphor, and intelligent puns, along with insight into human nature are the characteristics that created the legend he is today. The following essay will address how Shakespeare contributed to modern playwright, the point in time when Shakespeare wrote some of his great plays, which was the Elizabethan era, and the beginning of his acting and playwright career, had influences with William Shakespeare. When you consider the influence of Shakespeare on the modern playwright, it cannot mean purely the choice of plots, since Shakespeare borrowed them from other sources and from history. The lessons he teaches are not merely narrative or certainly those of architecture but individual ones of texture. Shakespeare was an actor, whether great or even good is of no importance. What is certain is that he had to have been a very interesting actor to write works such as King Lear and The Comedy of Errors. He knew in the most delicate detail the possibilities of the actors skills and elevated them to the level of the great (Everything Shakespeare np). He lived at a time when sophistication of audiences had not yet come to demand such plays without impurities, so far more had to be assigned to the domain of imagination. When there were battles, the battles are shown in isolated parts of the conflicts. The suggestive powers of the actor demanded a far greater burden then they do today, for time and space had to be placed with people and decorated by the persuasion of the word and gesture. A boatman rowing across an unseen river finds the way of suggesting not only water but also wind and current by the movements of his body(Rowse 57). Naturally enough, technical advances of three centuries have served to weaken the demands on the public imagination and to assign the actors to roles of simple instruments in an ever-growing orchestra. The stage made a dramatic change from the upper and lower stage of the Elizabethan playhouse, yielding in the seventeenth century, to the proscenium that we know today. Shakespeare was performed under what must have been extraordinarily cumbersome conditions (Cahn 230). Shakespeare was in fact fortunate that he lived in the period he did. It was an era when English drama flourished. His works were based on many different aspects of that period. Many of his plays are traced back to the life or works of saints, biblical accounts, and morality plays, which were particularly from the medieval ages (Cahn ix). The Elizabethan era that he lived in brought about a renewed interest in classical drama. Shakespeare drew upon the literary brilliance of other great writers in that same time period such as Christopher Marlowe, Sir Philip Sydney, Edmund Spenser, Holinshed, and Edward Hall. Shakespeare was influenced by elements of classical literature to create his own distinct form of poetry and drama. His history plays borrow from English histories, and his comedies often incorporate aspects of English folklore. His mythological themes were modeled after Ovids works (Cahn 5). Much of Shakespeares stylistic qualities of writing can be attributed to elements of Ro man classicism, derived from Plautus and Terence. The themes of his comedies are often reflected by Italian Renaissance literature. His history plays tend to trace the English monarchy from the fourteenth century to the emergence of the Tudors in the sixteenth century (Cahn 283). There are numerous reasons as to why William Shakespeare is so famous. He is generally considered to be both the greatest dramatist as well as the most brilliant poet who has written in the English language. Many rationales can be supported to explain Shakespeares enormous appeal (The Shakespeare np). His fame can be attributed to his vast knowledge and understanding of human nature. He was able to find human qualities and employ then into situations in which complex characters were derived that prove to be individual as well. The struggles represented in his works are applicable to everyone. Sometimes the characters are successful, sometimes they fail,

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Patrocinio green card, copatrocinadores y sustitutos

Patrocinio green card, copatrocinadores y sustitutos Para Inmigracià ³n es patrocinador el ciudadano o el residente permanente que solicita los papeles para un familiar para que à ©ste obtenga la tarjeta de residencia, tambià ©n conocida como green card. Las personas que patrocinan a sus familiares adquieren unas responsabilidades que duran por aà ±os. La ley permite al patrocinador buscar co-patrocinadores o sustitutos cuando no ingresa la cantidad mà ­nima exigida ni tiene patrimonio suficiente. Puntos Clave: Patrocinio de la tarjeta de residencia Para sacar la tarjeta de residencia por familia es necesario el patrocinio de un familiar.Tipos de patrocinio:Patrocinador: ciudadano o residente que pide a familiarCo-patrocinador: puede ser un familiar pero no es necesario. En este caso, patrocinador y co-patrocinador son responsables conjuntamente del migrante pedido.Patrocinador sustituto: cuando el patrocinador fallece. Solo se admite familiares del migrante o representantes legales del mismo. Obligaciones legales del patrocinador El ciudadano o residente que se convierte en patrocinador es responsable econà ³micamente frente: el gobiernola persona patrocinada, es decir, el inmigrante que ha obtenido la green card porque fue pedida por el patrocinador. Esto quiere decir, por un lado, que si el inmigrante patrocinado recibe un beneficio pà ºblico calificado como means-tested por el gobierno federal, estatal o local, entonces la agencia del gobierno puede reclamar el costo al patrocinador. Y si este no paga, puede demandarlo en corte. Tienen consideracià ³n de beneficios means-tested, entre otros, los siguientes: los cupones de alimentos  (food stamps, en inglà ©s o SNAP), los Ingresos Suplementarios de Seguridad, conocido como SSI por sus siglas en inglà ©s, Medicaid, TANF y el seguro mà ©dico estatal SCHIP. Por otro lado, el inmigrante patrocinado puede exigir al patrocinador que lo mantenga. Y si no cumple, puede demandarlo. Cabe destacar que esta obligacià ³n puede continuar en el caso de green card por matrimonio incluso despuà ©s del divorcio de la pareja.  ¿Por quà © el patrocinador tiene esta obligacià ³n? El patrocinador tiene esta obligacià ³n porque durante el proceso para patrocinar a su familiar firma el documento I-864, tambià ©n conocido como affidavit of support o declaracià ³n de mantenimiento. Este es un documento imprescindible. Si no se firma, no puede seguir adelante la tramitacià ³n. Es necesario destacar que es, en realidad, un contrato entre el patrocinador y el gobierno. Por lo tanto, cualquier acuerdo privado entre el patrocinador y el inmigrante patrocinado a este respecto es nulo. En otras palabras, el patrocinador siempre responde ante el gobierno por los gastos pà ºblicos que el inmigrante cause por utilizar algà ºn beneficio de los considerados como means-tested. En los casos de peticià ³n con ajuste de estatus, el affidavit of support se firma en ese momento. Sin embargo, en los de peticiones a travà ©s del procedimiento consular, esta declaracià ³n de sostenimiento se firma en el momento en el que asà ­ lo solicite el Centro Nacional de Visas (NVC, por sus siglas en inglà ©s).  ¿Cunto dura la obligacià ³n del patrocinador? Esta obligacià ³n dura hasta que el inmigrante patrocinado se convierte en ciudadano estadounidense a travà ©s del proceso que se conoce como naturalizacià ³n o hasta que el inmigrante los 40 crà ©ditos cotizados, es decir, en la mayorà ­a de los casos eso significa llevar aproximadamente 10 aà ±os trabajando. La obligacià ³n del patrocinador deja de existir en el caso que llegue antes  de los 2 anteriores.   Es importante tener en cuenta que en el caso de patrocinador que solicita la green cad para el cà ³nyuge, el divorcio no pone fin a la obligacià ³n, sino que continà ºa hasta que se produzca la naturalizacià ³n del inmigrante o los 40 crà ©ditos cotizados.  ¿Quà © son los co-patrocinadores? En los casos en los que el ciudadano americano o un residente quiere pedir los papeles para un familiar pero no tiene ingresos y/o patrimonio suficiente para el affidavit of support es posible tener co-patrocinadores. La ley permite 2 supuestos. En primer lugar, otro miembro de la familia que reside habitualmente en el mismo hogar que el ciudadano o residente que solicita los papeles. Y en segundo lugar, otra persona que no tiene que ser pariente. Estos son los casos que se conocen como joint-sponsor, por su nombre en inglà ©s. A la hora de firmar el affidavit of support hay que fijarse porque hay variaciones segà ºn la categorà ­a de patrocinador que presenta los papeles, miembro del hogar el patrocinador o co-patrocinador que reside en otro hogar, sea o no pariente. En el caso de que se patrocine a un inmigrante que emigra acompaà ±ado por su familia, puede haber 2 joint-sponsor. En todo caso, cada uno por separado debe ingresar o tener patrimonio suficiente para patrocinar. En los casos en los que se utiliza un joint-sponsor, el patrocinador, es decir, el que pide los papeles para su familiar, debe tambià ©n firmar su propio documento de affidavit of support. Y tanto el patrocinador como el joint-sponsor son responsables econà ³micamente del migrante pedido. Patrocinador sustituto Cuando un ciudadano o un residente solicita los papeles para un familiar y despuà ©s fallece, el proceso puede continuar si se dan 3 requisitos: El documento de peticià ³n que se conoce como I-130 se aprobà ³ ANTES del fallecimientoEl Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà ­a (USCIS) admite que continue la tramitacià ³nOtra persona se compromete a responder econà ³micamente por el inmigrante y firma el affidavit of support. Esta persona serà ­a el patrocinador sustituto. Sin embargo, no cualquier persona puede ser patrocinador sustituto sino que la ley pide que entre à ©ste y el migrante se dà © alguna de las siguientes relaciones: cà ³nyuge, padre, madre, suegro, suegra, hermano/a, hijo/a, yerno, nuera, cuà ±ado/a, abuelo/a o guardin legal del inmigrante. Requisitos para ser patrocinador,  co-patrocinador o patrocinador sustituto Tanto el patrocinador como el joint-sponsor tiene que ser mayor de 18 aà ±os, ciudadano o residente y residir en los Estados Unidos o uno de sus territorios, como por ejemplo Puerto Rico.   Si el ciudadano no se encuentra en esos momentos en Estados Unidos, deber probar que su estadà ­a en otro paà ­s es temporal y que conserva el domicilio en el paà ­s. Frecuentemente, los ciudadanos estadounidenses que residen fuera del paà ­s y deciden regresarse con sus cà ³nyuges extranjeros se encuentran con el problema de que no pueden probar ingresos suficientes para patrocinar, ya que USCIS pide que los ingresos se produzcan en EE.UU. y que se puedan probar mediante la presentacià ³n de las planillas tax returns. Aunque pide un mà ­nimo de un aà ±o y un mximo de tres, deber presentarse uno, dos o tres segà ºn lo que resulte ms conveniente segà ºn las circunstancias personales del patrocinador de la green card. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Useful Generic List in VB.NET

The Useful Generic List in VB.NET Generics extend the power and flexibility of VB.NET in a lot of areas, but you get a bigger performance benefit and more programming options in the generic List object [List(Of T)] than with any other. To use List(Of T), you have to understand how to implement the many methods that the .NET Framework provides. Below are three examples using ForEach, FindAll, and Sort, that demonstrates how the generic List class works. The very first step is to create a generic List. You can get the data in a lot of ways, but the simplest is to just Add it. The code below shows how to classify my beer and wine collection! Starting Code There first needs to be an object that will represent a bottle from the collection. In a Windows Forms application, the Form class has to first be in a file or the Visual Studio designer wont work correctly, so put this at the end: Public Class Bottle Public Brand As String Public Name As String Public Category As String Public Size As Decimal Public Sub New( _ ByVal m_Brand As String, _ ByVal m_Name As String, _ ByVal m_Category As String, _ ByVal m_Size As Decimal) Brand m_Brand Name m_Name Category m_Category Size m_Size End Sub End Class To build the collection, Add the items. This is whats in the Form Load event: Dim Cabinet As List(Of Bottle) _ New List(Of Bottle) Cabinet.Add(New Bottle( _ Castle Creek, _ Uintah Blanc, _ Wine, 750)) Cabinet.Add(New Bottle( _ Zion Canyon Brewing Company, _ Springdale Amber Ale, _ Beer, 355)) Cabinet.Add(New Bottle( _ Spanish Valley Vineyards, _ Syrah, _ Wine, 750)) Cabinet.Add(New Bottle( _ Wasatch Beers, _ Polygamy Porter, _ Beer, 355)) Cabinet.Add(New Bottle( _ Squatters Beer, _ Provo Girl Pilsner, _ Beer, 355)) All of the above code is standard code in VB.NET 1.0. However, note that by defining your own Bottle object, you get the benefits of multiple types in the same collection (in this case, both String and Decimal) and efficient, type safe late binding. ForEach Example The fun starts when we use the methods. To begin, lets implement the familiar ForEach method. The Microsoft documentation includes this usage syntax definition: Dim instance As List Dim action As Action(Of T) instance.ForEach(action) Microsoft further defines action as delegate to a method that performs an action on the object passed to it. The elements of the current List(T) are individually passed to the Action(T) delegate. Tip: For more on delegates, read Using Delegates in Visual Basic .NET for Runtime Flexibility. The first thing you need to code is the method that will be delegated. Misunderstanding this one key point is the source of most of the confusion of VB.NET students. This function, or subroutine, is where all of the customized coding for the Of type objects is done. When performed correctly, youre essentially done. Its really simple in this first example. An entire instance of the Bottle is passed and the subroutine selects anything needed out of it. Coding the ForEach itself is simple too. Just fill in the address of the delegate using the AddressOf method. Sub displayBottle(ByVal b As Bottle) ResultList.Items.Add( _ b.Brand ) ResultList.Items.Add(-) Cabinet.ForEach(AddressOf displayBottle) End Sub FindAll Example FindAll is a little more complicated. The Microsoft documentation for FindAll looks like this: Dim instance As List Dim match As Predicate(Of T) Dim returnValue As List(Of T) returnValue instance.FindAll(match) This syntax includes a new element, Predicate(Of T). According to Microsoft, this will represent the method that defines a set of criteria and determines whether the specified object meets those criteria. In other words, you can create any code that will find something in the list. I coded my Predicate(Of T) to find anything in the Beer Category. Instead of calling the delegate code for each item in the list, FindAll returns an entire List(T) containing only the matches that result from your Predicate(Of T). Its up to your code to both define this second List(T) and do something with it. My code just adds the items to a ListBox. Private Sub FindAllButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles FindAllButton.Click ResultList.Items.Clear() ResultList.Items.Add(FindAll Example) ResultList.Items.Add(-) Dim sublist As List(Of Bottle) sublist Cabinet.FindAll(AddressOf findBeer) For Each r As Bottle In sublist ResultList.Items.Add( _ r.Brand - _ r.Name - _ r.Category - _ r.Size) Next End Sub Function findBeer(ByVal b As Bottle) _ As Boolean If (b.Category Beer) Then Return True Else Return False End If End Function Sort Example The final method this article examines is Sort. Again, Microsoft uses some terminology you might not be familiar with. There are actually four different overloads of the Sort method: Sort()Sort(IComparer(T))Sort(Comparison(T))Sort(Int32, Int32, IComparer(T)) This lets you use sort methods defined in the .NET Framework for the list, code your own, use a system defined comparison for the type, or sort part of the collection using a starting position and count parameter. In this example, since I use the following syntax to actually perform the sort, Im using the third overload. x.Name.x.Name.CompareTo(y.Name)(y.Name) Ive coded another delegate to my own comparer. Since I want to sort by my Name, I pull just that value out of each instance of the Bottle object that is passed and use the Sort(Comparison(Of (T))). The Sort method actually rearranges the original List(T). Thats what is processed after the method is executed. Private Sub SortButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SortButton.Click ResultList.Items.Clear() ResultList.Items.Add(Sort Example) ResultList.Items.Add(-) Cabinet.Sort(AddressOf sortCabinet) For Each r As Bottle In Cabinet ResultList.Items.Add( _ r.Name - _ r.Brand - _ r.Category - _ r.Size) Next End Sub Private Shared Function sortCabinet( _ ByVal x As Bottle, ByVal y As Bottle) As Integer Return x.Name.CompareTo(y.Name) End Function These methods were selected to demonstrate the major ways that the Framework methods in List(T) are actually coded. Theres a whole raft of other methods, however. Thats what makes List(T) so useful!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Something to do with nutrition Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Something to do with nutrition - Research Paper Example Interestingly, maternal malnutrition also leads to adult obesity (464). In the developing fetus, malnutrition leads to changes in the pancreas structure and function, and this persists into adulthood. In addition, changes in brain structure make it more difficult for the adult to process food properly. A program in the United Kingdom is teaching health practitioners, including midwives, the importance of prenatal nutrition (Nursing Standard, 2009). Nutrition during pregnancy is important, but creating a â€Å"healthy family lifestyle for the baby to be born into† could make a lasting impact on the obesity epidemic (11). If trends continue, by the year 2050 two-thirds of all children aged 0-10 may be overweight or obese (Shepherd, 2009). Childhood obesity leads to a long list of adult diseases which could be at least partially prevented through proper weight. It is also well-known that a healthy body image also prevents certain mental disorders. Certain biological processes are set in the developing fetus. A child exposed to malnutrition or over-nutrition while in the womb starts out life behind. Over-nutrition, as well as under-nutrition, create a poor environment for the developing fetus. If health practitioners are more aware of proper maternal nutrition, including proper weight control and nutrient intake, mothers can avoid a host of problems for their children both before and after birth. Huang, J., Lee, T., Lu, M. (2007, September). Prenatal programming of childhood overweight and obesity. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 11(5), 461-473. Retrieved 18 April 2009 from CINAHL Plus with Full Text database. Shepherd, A. (2009, February). Nutrition in infancy and childhood: a healthy start means a healthy future. Primary Health Care, 19(1):41-49. Retrieved 18 April 2009 from CINAHL Plus with Full Text

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Choose a business firm and discuss What is consumer's perception about Term Paper

Choose a business firm and discuss What is consumer's perception about the firm and its product - Term Paper Example Apple Inc This paper chooses Apple Inc for the study of consumer’s perception about goods, because Apple Inc has emerged to be one of the most successful and powerful brands around the world. It is an American based multinational company that designs and produces computers, peripherals, digital players, phones and software etc with greater emphasis on innovation and technology, and markets them through own-retail outlets, online stores and third party sellers (Sander and Slatter, 2009, p. 81). Apple Inc always thrived on innovation (Kerin, Hartley and Berkowitz, 2005, p. 395) especially through on-going product and brand differentiation. The relentless efforts of Apple to focus on ease of use, simplicity, utility, efficiency and fun has helped the company make its new variants of products such as iPhone, iPhone-3G, iPhone- 4-G etc to be very different species than that of its competitors (Newsweek, 2007). Consumers of Apple products expect unique values and technology advantag es from Apple’s computers as well as its digital players and phones. The company is very particular about the value propositions and almost all of its efforts including R&D are meant to satisfy consumers’ expectation of values and innovation. ... l different factors that may impact the perception, the real experiences of consumers after using or buying a product brings the true perception in their minds. Miller, Miller and Miller (2007, p. 16) described that a consumer’s perception about a company or its offerings is based on their past experiences with the company or its offerings, companies that offer similar products or services, and information they have got from friends, family and colleagues. Consumers almost always compare the values, benefits and general features of two or more similar products and services and this comparison in turn form perception in their minds. It is thus closely related to brand positioning and brand image. Consumers’ perception about Apple and its products Though there are discussions regarding Apple’s brand image and consumers’ perception before and after the resignation of its founder Steve Jobs (Hughes, 2011), one thing remained constant that Apple is well known f or its technology. Until 1990s, Apple was costing on borrowed technology, but Steve Jobs realized that a company cannot stay long on ‘technology leader’ strategy without becoming a technology creator. After 1997, Apple made four segmentations of its products and innovated in the way it produced and marketed its products (Betz, 2002, p. 194- 195). As Hoskisson, Hitt and Ireland (2008,p. 133) noted, Apple’s market effort was to develop computers and other offerings that are highly differentiated with help of latest technology. The product differentiation strategy that has implemented has thus created a unique history of its own through very distinctive products ever-available in the market such as iMac, iBook, iTune, iLife, iMusic, iPad, iPod, iPhone and so on. The company approached its market and

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Reality of the Truth Essay Example for Free

The Reality of the Truth Essay What exactly is the truth? Is it reality, sincerity, integrity? Is it accuracy and honesty? How can we tell the difference between the truth and lies? Why does the media have the power to decide for us what is true? As Oscar Wilde once said The truth is rarely pure and never simple. This statement sums up the difficulties of telling the truth, and this is furthermore shown in Rob Sitch et als Frontline, Lies by Michael Leunig and the poem Nothing to Report by May Herschel Clarke. The television show Frontline follows the day to day running of a current affairs show. It shows both on and off air aspects of what people involved with television go though on a daily basis. Mike Moore (Rob Sitch) plays the naive host of the show, who seems to think the whole world revolves around him. An example of this is when Emma sarcastically thanks him for helping with a story and he says Thats ok. Brian is the executive manager of the show and he ultimately decides what is shown on the show and what isnt. Brooke is another reporter who uses deception and manipulation to present the truth. Emma does work behind the scenes and often she should be credited, but the reporters need their ego maintained so she is never recognised for her hard work. Marty is another reporter who has been in the business for a long time, and although he knows about Frontline presenting the incorrect truth, he does nothing to stop them. Like all current affairs shows, the team at Frontline are concerned with gaining ratings every night, rather than telling the real truth to people. One example of this is during the episode Add sex and stir where Brooke interviews a woman booted off her sports team because she wasnt a lesbian. This in fact is not the truth because she was kicked off the team due to her poor form, not her sexuality. Viewers are then manipulated into thinking that the sport is a lesbian sport, and the reputations of the team and sport are ruined. Marty sums up this sensationalising of real truth in one quote, Ancient current affairs recipe my grandmother gave me, you take any story, add sex and stir (Marty, Add sex and stir) Dismissal of the real truth is another technique that the current affairs show Frontline uses to gain ratings. In the episode We aint got dames, Mike wishes to do a story on illegal sweatshops, but Brian dismisses it as being too heavy for the viewers. After much persuasion, Mike thinks he has convinced Brian to show his story (because his ego has finally been satisfied), but the story ends up being a fashion show, totally insulting any work that Mike has done. Although this story did attract more viewers than the sweatshop story would have, it only promotes the fact that viewers lack in knowledge about the real current issues, and they need to show pretty people with bright lights to get their attention. There are many techniques used in Frontline which expose the manipulation that current affairs shows go through to gain ratings. Irony is shown in the episode The siege, where Brooke asks Mrs. Forbes to sign a contract so only frontline can report her story because, Some shows are very unscrupulous (Brooke, The Seige) Brooke says not to give the story to other stations because they might twist her story around to bring out a point she wasnt making, but the irony was that their show was doing exactly that. Use of a handheld camera behind the scenes of the current affairs show can bring out the truth behind the lies, what we see on television may not be true in real life. This applies to Mike in the episode Add sex and stir where he is on Burkes Backyard. He is asked questions about current affairs and does not know how to answer them, then tries to defend himself by asking Burke about plants but he knows everything about them. Although he is shown as an intelligent and well presented man on television, in real life he doesnt know anything. This is also seen when Mike takes part in an ABC debate, but during his introduction all of his material is said and Mike doesnt have anything good to say, which shows that he is not a good speaker in person as he is behind the desk. There is also use of verisimilitude in the show Frontline, with many real media personalities being on the show to make it seem more realistic in telling the truth. Examples of these celebrities are Harry M Miller, Cheryl Kernot, and Bert Newton. The cartoon Lies by Michael Leunig also exposes that the media manipulates and distorts the truth, so it really is presented to us as a lie or the untruth. The cartoon shows people living in their world, but everything has the label lies on it. The billboard which says lies shows that many companies engage in deceptive advertising, and although they arent supposed to do that, they still convince people to buying their products. The newspaper titled lies shows that journalists write from their own perspective and can distort the truth to suit their opinions. The person wearing the lies shirt shows that behind brand name corporations there are lies. An example of this is making clothing in sweatshops then selling it for triple the price of what its really worth (like Nike shoes) and people are paying top dollar just to wear a symbol, which supposedly brings them into an elite group of people, but really they are just lying to themselves. The point Michael Leunig is trying to make is enforced through the main technique of repetition. The word lies is seen 11 times in the comic, and it is the only word on the cartoon. If lies was only mentioned once, many people would not take notice of it, but since it is printed on the billboard, buildings, truck, newspaper, shirt and drink, it shows that lies are everywhere and it really is a big issue. Like the television series Frontline, this cartoon exposes that the world we live in is full of lies and deception, and the media controls what we see and listen to. It is their opinion what we believe, and many people, rather than refuting what is being presented to them in the media, just believe it and keep going with their lives. The poem Nothing to Report by May Herschel Clarke is written during the war times (1940s). During this time, leaders of the country were trying to convince people to fight overseas as a soldier, with hope of coming back as a brave hero. For this heroic image to come to light, anything negative about death in the war would have to be shielded from the people, or else they wouldnt enlist. Ms Clarkes poem targets this issue, talking about how easily death can come, One minute we was laughin next he lays beside me, grinnin dead. After the death, the papers had nothing to report; therefore they were with holding the truth from people. May Herschel Clarke couldnt possibly have been the only one with a death not reported, but no one else seemed to be doing anything about it, because the media has always been very powerful. The poem is written in colloquial language, which could reflect on her education, upbringing or location. This could also be written in that style to follow a rhyming sequence. The last line is a metaphor which shows that the paper is such an effective form of communication, it might as well be a person. Theres nothin to report the papers said This text is very similar to the television series Frontline, in trying to expose the media in its with holding and distortion of the truth. Another example in frontline of withholding the truth is during the episode This night of nights where Mike wishes to do a story about Telecom tapping into phone conversations, but seeing as they are a major sponsor of the television show, frontline cant expose the truth, and give Mike a mobile phone to help him forget about it. If this truth was exposed, telecom would have received many complaints and much abuse, but they would have deserved it. Instead there are still people at home not suspecting a thing. In the end Mike is disadvantaged from not pursuing the story because they listen to his phone conversation about being caught drink driving, and expose him in the newspapers. In the poem Nothing to report, the last line sums up that the media does with hold information and it shouldnt be their right to decide what we see or dont see. Telling the truth is a hard concept to deal with. From the texts Frontline (Rob Sitch et. al. ), Lies by Michael Leunig and Nothing to Report by May. Herschel Clarke we can see that the media does control what we see and believe, but it isnt necessarily the truth. Why does the media have the power to decide what is true? Well if they presented us the facts and let us decide for ourselves, they wouldnt have ratings. We are surrounded by the media (as seen in lies) and it is hard for us to ignore it all. The truth is rarely pure and never simple, in listening to the truth there is always some form of bias, but we must leave it to ourselves to find out many versions of the so called truth and decide for ourselves what we believe.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Compare H.G. Wells The Red Room and Farthing House by Susan Hill Essay

Compare H.G. Wells' The Red Room and Farthing House by Susan Hill "There was no mistake about it. The flame vanished, as if the wick had been suddenly nipped between a finger and thumb, leaving the wick neither glowing or smoking, but black." Ghost stories use dark and fear of it as a key element, and most occurrences happen in the night, and/or in the dark. The aim of this essay is to compare and contrast the two short stories - The Red Room by H.G. Wells and Farthing House by Susan Hill. The Red Room was written pre twentieth century and Farthing house was written post twentieth century. I will mainly look at the formulaic structure of the stories and the tension that is built up throughout them by the authors. A good ghost story involves a mixture of tension and an interesting plot or storyline. The formulaic elements - e.g. old houses/graveyards/other sinister settings, threatening housekeepers/guests/noises, staying overnight, dark/night, threatening weather (e.g. storms, thunder) and a death/previous ghostly history all help to create the genre and entice the reader to continue reading. There should be twists in the story, to help make it more interesting, and less predictable. There is also often a lot of mystery involved - mysterious key characters, unknown noises and people etc. The Red Room is a pre-20th century story, written by H.G. Wells in 1896. It is about a room that is allegedly haunted and the story is told by a young man who is spending the night there. He starts off extremely confidently but as the story goes on he becomes more and more frightened and the tension increases. The Red Room is about the personal experience of the young man whilst in the room, and his own fear o... plots. Some elements of the first formula have stuck, which is why 'The Red Room' and 'Farthing House' are so similar, although written years apart. I think that they have stuck because they are a winning combination that attracts readers. Over time ghost stories have become more popular and some stories have also been shown as films or television programmes. This shows that they are still a popular part of culture and probably will continue to be in the future. Films and television programmes still often stick to the formula - setting and history, for example. However the visual images and plots differ. Farthing House is testimony to this, the setting is similar but the plot and purpose differs. "I was not afraid anymore, not now that I knew who she was and why she had been there, getting out of her bed in Cedar room, to go in search of her baby.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Transaction, Operating Accounting Exposures

Transaction, Operating, & Accounting (Translation) Exposures Foreign Exchange Exposure – measures the potential for a firm’s profitability, net cash flow, and market value to alter because of a change in exchange rates. Q: What are the three main foreign exchange exposures? A: 1) Transaction Exposure 2) Operating Exposure 3) Accounting Exposure Transaction Exposure – measures changes in the value of outstanding financial obligations incurred prior to a change in exchange rates.Operating Exposure (Economic Exposure, Competitive Exposure, Strategic Exposure) – measures a change in the present value of a firm resulting from any change in future expected operating cash flows caused by unexpected changes in exchange rates. Accounting Exposure (Translation Exposure) – measures accounting-derived changes in owner’s equity as a result of translating foreign currency financial statements into a single reporting currency. Exhibit 8. 1 [pic] Note: In th e fourth quarter of 2001 Amazon. om reported a net income of $5 million, due in part to a one-time foreign currency gain of $16 million. Hedging – To take a position that will rise (or fall) in value to offset a change in value of an existing position. |Benefits of Hedging |Costs of Hedging | |Improved the planning capability of the firm. |Risk-averse strategy that benefits management more than | |Reduced the likelihood of financial distress. i. e. the risk that cash|shareholders. (i. e. shareholders can diversify currency risk on an| |flows will fall below what is required for debt payments and continued|â€Å"as needed† basis) | |operations) |Consumes the firm’s resources and expected cash flows to the firm | |Management has a comparative advantage over shareholders. (i. e. |are not increased. (i. e. gency theory, NPV of hedging is zero, | |understanding the currency risk of the firm and take advantage of a |and FX losses appear on the I/S while hedging are b uried in | |disequilibrium through selective hedging) |operating and interest expenses) | Transaction Exposure Transaction Exposure – measures changes in the value of outstanding financial obligations incurred prior to a change in exchange rates. Transaction exposure can arise from the following activities: ? Purchasing or selling foreign goods and services on credit. Borrowing or lending in another currency. ? Foreign exchange contracts. Exhibit 8. 3 The Life Span of Transaction Exposure [pic] Example Expect to collect ? 1,000,000 in three months on a sale, minimum acceptable value $1,700,000. Q: What type of transaction exposure has occurred? A: Billing Exposure S0 = $1. 7640/? ES90= $1. 76/? F90= $1. 7540/? iU. K. = 10% per year (2. 5% per quarter) kU. K. = 8% per year (2% per quarter) iU. S. = 8% per year (2% per quarter) kU. S. = 6% per year (1. 5% per quarter) P90ATM = $1. 75 (1. 5% premium) P90OTM = $1. 71 (1% premium)Note: ES90 is the estimated spot rate in three mont hs, â€Å"i† is the borrowing interest rate, and â€Å"k† is the investment interest rate, P90ATM is an at-the-money three-month put option, and P90OTM is an out-of-the-money three month put option. Q: Is the pound expected to appreciate or depreciate? A: Depreciate Q: What is the forward premium/discount on the pound? A: [pic] Q: What are the four alternatives to hedge a transaction exposure? A:1) Remain unhedged 2) Hedge in the forward market 3) Hedge in the money market 4) Hedge in the options market 1) Remain unhedged, collect ? 1,000,000 in three months at the new spot rate. pic] 2) Hedge in the forward market, collect ? 1,000,000 in three months at $1. 7540/?. [pic] 3) Hedge in the money market, borrow ? 975,610 today, and exchange for dollars at the current spot rate ($1. 7640/? ). Invest the $1,720,976 for 90 days, and in 90 days pay back the loan + interest with the ? 1,000,000. Q: To construct a money market hedge, how much should the investor borrow today if the annual interest rate is 10% and the company expects to receive ? 1,000,000 in 90 days? A: [pic] Q: At what investment rate is the money market hedge superior to the forward contract? A: [pic] pic] Note: Either the forward contract or the money market hedge is better than an uncovered position if the spot rate at time 2 is less than the forward rate. But, if the funds can be invested at anything above 7. 68% (or 1. 92% for 90 days) then the money market hedge is a better option than the forward contract. If the spot rate at time 2 is greater than what can be earned by investing the funds in the company (in this case the funds are invested in the company yielding the company’s WACC of 12% or $1,772,605) then the uncovered hedge would be superior. 4) Hedge in the options market.An at-the-money[1] (ATM) put option is selling for a 1. 5% premium. The cost of the option is (size of the option) x (premium) x (spot rate) = cost, in this case ? 1,000,000 x 0. 015 x $1. 7640 = $26 ,460. This is the maximum loss, while the maximum gain is the spot price – the cost of the option. [pic] To compare the alternatives, first estimate what you expect spot rates to be, then estimate a range of possible prices, and consider your ability to accept the downside. Then select the best strategy. Some Examples: [pic] Q: Transaction exposure arises from what? A: Sales and expenses that are already contracted for.Operating Exposure Operating Exposure (Economic Exposure, Competitive Exposure, Strategic Exposure) – measures a change in the present value of a firm resulting from any change in future expected operating cash flows caused by unexpected changes in exchange rates. Q: Operating Exposure depends on whether an unexpected change in exchange rates causes unanticipated changes in what? A: Sales volume, sales prices, or operating costs Figure 9. 1 Financial and Operating Cash Flows Between Parent and Subsidiary [pic] Q: What are four proactive ways to manage op erating exposure?A: 1) Matching currency cash flows 2) Risk-sharing agreements 3) Back-to-back or parallel loans 4) Currency swaps Note: Planning for operating exposure depends on the interaction of strategies in finance, marketing, purchasing, and production. Accounting (Translation) Exposure Accounting Exposure (Translation Exposure) – measures accounting-derived changes in owner’s equity as a result of translating foreign currency financial statements into a single reporting currency. Q: What are the financial goals of the multinational enterprise? A:1) To maximize consolidated after-tax income ) To minimize the firm’s effective global tax burden 3) To correct the positioning of the firm’s income, cash flows, and available funds. Note: These goals are frequently seen as inconsistent. Functional currency – the dominate currency used by the foreign subsidiary in its day-to-day operations. Q: What are the two basic methods for the translation of fo reign subsidiary financial statements? A: 1) The current rate method 2) The temporal method Current rate method – a method of translating the financial statements of foreign affiliates into the parent’s reporting currency.All assets and liabilities are translated at the current exchange rate. Temporal method – assumes that a number of individual line item assets such as inventory and net plant and equipment are restated regularly to reflect market value. Q: Which method is the most common worldwide? A: The current rate method Q: What are the advantages of the current rate method? A: 1) The variability of reported earnings due to translation gains or losses is eliminated, because the gain or loss on translation goes directly to a reserve account (rather than passing through the income statement). ) Does not distort balance sheet ratios such as the current ratio or debt-to-equity ratio (because the relative proportions of the individual balance sheet accounts rema in the same. Q: What is the disadvantage of the current rate method? A: 1) It violates the accounting principle of carrying balance sheet accounts at historical costs. Q: What is the advantage of the temporal method? A: 1) Foreign nonmonetary assets are carried at their original cost in the parent’s consolidated statement. Homework Problems Chapter 8 1.Imagine one of the companies from your final project is expecting an $80million payment in one year. The company also expects $20million in expenses in one year. Use real figures or the following: Current spot rate 3. 4x/$ (trend shows 3. 8x/$ two months ago) Interest rates are 14% in your country and 4% in the U. S. Forward contracts are too expensive Based on the current spot rate and relative interest rates, please advise your company on its currency exposure. Chapter 9 2. Imagine one of your companies will soon be exporting to China.Use the following (replace the $ equivalent with your currency at the current spot price): C urrent sales of 1,000,000 units per year at a price equivalent to $24 each. Current spot price Rmb8. 2/$, but the H. K. advisory will drop the value next week to Rmb10/$. Direct costs are 75% of the U. S. dollar sales price. Accepting this forecast, advise the company on two options: 1) Maintain the same renminbi price (i. e. no change in price) 2) Raise the price to offset the devaluation and experience a 10% drop in unit volume. A) What would be the short-run (one year) impact of each strategy?B) Which do you recommend? Optional Assignment: (0. 5 participation points) Prepare a write-up on the country you are doing for your final project. (Include GDP, inflation, major exports/imports, major stock exchange, currency, exchange rate, and anything else you find interesting and relevant)†¦ use sources like countryreports. org, cia. gov, etc. And remember to compare your country to something (i. e. the U. S. or another country in the region)†¦ Try to make everything you turn in look â€Å"professional,† imagine you're getting paid for your work.Please cite your sources throughout the report, and if you could e-mail it to me before next Monday, that's even better. Final Project These are two great sites to look at for your final project: globaledge. msu. edu www. world-exchanges. org ———————– [1] An at-the-money put, means that the strike price is equal to the current spot price†¦ Meaning an investor is indifferent between exercising the option or going to the market. In this case the forward rate is $1. 7540/? , and the option is $1. 75/? plus 1. 5% premium.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Hybrid Cars

Hybrid cars are the transportation of the future. Humans have been driving around since the 1880’s. They started off as simple, one-cylinder machines, to today, where they are twelve cylinder animals. From fuel-efficient coupes, to gas guzzling SUVs, or even the ultra expensive supercars, all use gasoline. The use of this gasoline makes or breaks the selling point of the car. We base the cars off of their utility; the gas-guzzlers may be the ones with the most torque and pulling power, but the gas savers protect the environment and maybe save a few pennies in the pocket.Overall, the controversy is whether hybrid cars are really that much better than their all gas counterparts. Hybrid cars may save the environment from fuel emissions, but they do not save the driver nay substantial amount of money overall. The basics of a hybrid car are pretty easy, but the complexity comes with comparing them to all gasoline cars. The main aspect of a hybrid car is the engine. In normal gasoli ne cars there is only one engine, but in hybrid cars there is one gasoline engine and one electric engine. The two engines work in harmony; if the electric engine runs out of power the gasoline engine charges it.This process saves money on gas. Typically, a hybrid car get around 48-60 miles per gallon. This is a lot of mileage compared to most gasoline cars, which average about 18-26 miles per gallon. In addition to getting more gas mileage, hybrid cars cut down on fuel emissions. This can be illustrated by this graph: Another important aspect of a hybrid car is actually when it is coming to a stop. In a plain old car all of the energy and momentum that had been gained through accelerating is lost when braking. This makes city travel rather inefficient. Hybrids fix this; they capture breaking energy and use it to charge the battery.This not only saves fuel but also has less wear and tear on the break pads. In the same ballpark as the breaking, the engine saves fuel by turning off an d on often. When a hybrid vehicle comes to a complete stop the engine turns off and saves energy. It then restarts and turns back on once the accelerator is pressed. By doing this, energy is not wasted through idling. Utilizing the electric engine, it creates a boost for the combustion engine paired with it. This allows a smaller, less clunky, and more efficient engine to be used. Overall, the differences of the hybrid car make for a new technological driving experience.The value of a hybrid car is based off of its practicality. Does it really do what it says it does? Does it save me any money on gas? Does it function to cut down on emissions? Is it worth the extra money? Well here’s some information: a Honda Civic gets around 36 miles per gallon, a typical hybrid costs around $19,000-$25,000, a typical gas vehicle costs around $14,000-$17,000. The price difference comes from the complexity in the process of building the car. Also, not only affecting the price, the production of the car creates plenty of emissions and a whole bunch of energy. This puts â€Å"zero emission vehicles† to sleep.Creating another question, â€Å"Are all of these statistics true? † The production of hybrid cars has almost solely come from foreign countries, such as japan and China. Only recently have American companies been trying to dip their hand into the hybrid pool. Overall, the American creation of hybrids has only been poor attempts just to put their name out there in the market. Doing this is focusing on adding to their all gas cars because they also promote fuel efficiency. The drawbacks are clear and make the pros not quite outweigh the cons in the end. The wheel-to-well aspect put the nail in the coffin for hybrid cars.Focusing on the entire production, the process cancels its strives for efficiency by its complexity. Also, the argument for â€Å"zero emissions† is also false due to the process to create the car itself. Finally, the fuel usage ma y be a bit better then typical gas vehicles; it does not cancel out the immense price jump to the hybrid. This makes the price of the car not worth it, and much more favorable to buy it gas counterpart. Overall, the verdict is that a hybrid car does not really do that much for the driver except for its major selling points, â€Å"It’s a green, new technology! †

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Hamlet in Me essays

The Hamlet in Me essays Whether we are planning to build a boat or hoping to write a good essay, the only way to go about these tasks is to make a detailed plan of all the steps that need to be taken in order to get the desired result. If you spontaneously decide to build a boat, the result may be a plywood tub that leaks from all sides, let alone hold anyone in it. Hamlet, a seventh century story put to life through the amazing writing of Shakespeare, is a play that shows how meticulous and well thought out plans will bring about the desired result. The plays main character, Hamlet, is a Renaissance man that struggles with the corrupt world around him. He must deal with such issues like "blood for blood revenge" when his own uncle kills his father and takes his place as king. A ghost king appears to Hamlet and catalyzes the events that follow in the play. Hamlet must devise a plan to take revenge for his father and bring to justice all the people who have marred the situation. Though the church mandates through its moral code that Hamlet not take revenge, Hamlet tries to find the worst fate for his devious uncle possible: "Now might I do it, now he is a-praying, And now I'll do't and so he goes to heave...When he is drunk asleep, or in his rage, or in th' incestuous pleasure of his bed...Then trip him...And that his soul may be as damned and black As hell, whereto it goes" (3.4.77-100). Hamlet finally gains the nerve to kill his uncle, but sheaths his sword when he realizes that if he kills him while he is praying, his uncle will ascend to heaven. He ultimately decides to kill his uncle when he commits a sin, so that his soul "may be as damned and black as hell." He goes through a meticulous thought process, which shows him both his options and when to act to give his uncle the most cruel and horrible death he deserves. His actions also bring in a conflict between church and the revengeful calls of his families past. I ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

What a Main Idea Is and How to Find It

What a Main Idea Is and How to Find It Questions about the main idea of a passage are popular on reading comprehension tests, but sometimes, those questions are pretty difficult to answer, especially for students who are not completely sure they understand what the main idea really is.  Finding the main idea of a paragraph or longer passage of text is one of the most important reading skills to master, along with concepts like making an inference, finding the authors purpose, or understanding vocabulary words in context. Here are a few techniques to help understand what, exactly, is a main idea and how to identify it accurately in a passage. How to Define the Main Idea The main idea of a paragraph is the primary point or concept that the author wants to communicate to the readers about the topic. Hence, in a paragraph, when the main idea is stated directly, it is expressed in what is called the topic sentence. It gives the overarching idea of what the paragraph is about and is supported by the details in subsequent sentences in the paragraph. In a multi-paragraph article, the main idea is expressed in the thesis statement, which is then supported by individual smaller points. Think of the main idea as a brief but all-encompassing summary. It covers everything the paragraph talks about in a general way, but does not include the specifics. Those details will come in later sentences or paragraphs and add nuance and context; the main idea will need those details to support its argument. For example, imagine a paper discussing the causes of World War I. One paragraph might be dedicated to the role that imperialism played in the conflict. The main idea of this paragraph might be something like: Constant competition for massive empires led to increasing tensions in Europe that eventually erupted into World War I. The rest of the paragraph might explore what those specific tensions were, who was involved, and why the countries were seeking empires, but the main idea just introduces the overarching argument of the section. When an author does not state the main idea directly,  it should still be implied, and is called an implied main idea. This requires that the reader look closely at the content- at specific words, sentences, images that are used and repeated- to deduce what the author is communicating. How to Find the Main Idea Finding the main idea is critical to understanding what you are reading. It helps the details make sense and have relevance, and provides a framework for remembering the content. Try these specific tips to pinpoint the main idea of a passage. 1) Identify the Topic Read the passage through completely, then try to identify the topic. Who or what is the paragraph about? This part is just figuring out a topic like cause of World War I or new hearing devices; dont worry yet about deciding what argument the passage is making about this topic. 2) Summarize the Passage After reading the passage thoroughly, summarize it in your own words in one sentence. Pretend you have just ten to twelve words to tell someone what the passage is about- what would you say? 3) Look at the First and Last Sentences of the Passage Authors often put the main idea in or near either the first or last sentence of the paragraph or article, so isolate those sentences to see if they make sense as the overarching theme of the passage. Be careful: sometimes the author will use words like but, however,  in contrast, nevertheless, etc. that indicate that the second sentence is actually the main idea. If you see one of these words that negate or qualify the first sentence, that is a clue that the second sentence is the main idea. 4) Look for Repetition of Ideas If you read through a paragraph and you have no idea how to summarize it because there is so much information, start looking for repeated words, phrases, or related ideas. Read this example paragraph: A new hearing device uses a magnet to hold the detachable sound-processing portion in place. Like other aids, it converts sound into vibrations, but it is unique in that it can transmit the vibrations directly to the magnet and then to the inner ear. This produces a clearer sound. The new device will not help all hearing-impaired people- only those with a hearing loss caused by infection or some other problem in the middle ear. It will probably help no more than 20 percent of all people with hearing problems. Those people who have persistent ear infections, however, should find relief and restored hearing with the new device. What does this paragraph consistently talk about? A new hearing device. What is it trying to convey? A new hearing device is now available for some, but not all, hearing-impaired people. Thats the main idea! Avoid Main Idea Mistakes Choosing a main idea from a set of answer choices is different than composing a main idea on your own. Writers of multiple choice tests  are often tricky and will give you distractor questions that sound much like the real answer. By reading the passage thoroughly, using your skills, and identifying the main idea on your own, though, you can avoid making these 3 common mistakes: selecting an answer that is too narrow in scope; selecting an answer that is too broad; or selecting an answer that is complex but contrary to the main idea.   Resources and Further Reading How to Find a Stated Main IdeaHow to Find an Implied  Main IdeaFinding the Main Idea PracticeFinding Main Ideas In Paragraphs, the Main Idea, Columbia College Updated by Amanda Prahl

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Continents Trading compare (The United State and Taiwan) Essay

Continents Trading compare (The United State and Taiwan) - Essay Example Technology has enabled people living in US to be able to access products that are manufactured in different countries. To get a product in a foreign country, a person will only check the relevant website selling the product, see the price and purchase through online banking. The product will be delivered to the place of resident through different means such as air mail or shipping. After reading Jared Diamond’s statement, the â€Å"Cargo hypothesis†, I came to understand what is meant by the geography and the development of one country. In his statement, he gave an example about why European countries develop better than many other countries, and according to his understanding it is as a result of geographical location. At first, I dint agree with her statement that development rate differs because of geographical location. At first, I thought the geographical position of all the European countries is not different from countries such as the American and Asian. European countries are rich and they have capability of investing in different fields in order to improve on their technology: for instant, Chinese government always try to improve the country economy by all means. Some people think that the country is poor but according to my own opinion they are not poor, it is only that they do not understand how to increase the country economic and lif e style level. This reminds me of the statement that Diamond gave concerning understanding and knowledge. He argued that knowledge is very important since it help a country develop: the more people to get educated, the more development in that country. In many Western countries such as England, France, and U.S., people can easily access education unlike in countries like China. This is a big issue which has caused different rate of the development in different regions. In this project, I will be focusing on Asian continent, Taiwan, which is a well-developed

Friday, November 1, 2019

A Personal Definition of Innovation, creativity and Invention Essay

A Personal Definition of Innovation, creativity and Invention - Essay Example Innovation Innovation is creating something new or generating an idea into reality and use. Ideas are turned into facts which can be incorporated in activities to better their efficiency. Information and knowledge available and which is relevant is synthesized and produced in a new way that it has value in new processes, strategies, products and services (Rigby, 2009). It involves a creative process in assessing available body of knowledge. Ideas developed and expressed without use in current circumstance are useless. Innovation considers that provided information and expressed ideas should be continually analyzed and productive ideas generated to help correct, advance or improve existing activities. An invention is a discovery that has a unique function. Formulation of an invention could be from an existing idea or innovation. They are in most circumstances recognized and protected as patent. It incorporates creativity where certain ideas or possibilities are combined together to id entify an existing relationship and hence creates a lasting solution to a given problem. Creativity therefore encompasses all processes of recognizing ideas that can be of use. It can simply be for purpose of amusing ourselves or communicating information to others. Ideas in this perspective are required to be unique (Pisano, 2009). Creativity is fundamental to all processes involved in innovation and invention. Creativity is designed to generate ideas and present alternatives while invention requires that provided ideas can be used to create a change and add value. Businesses ensure that they sustain innovation culture in their activities so as to have a competitive advantage in the market. In the case of invention there exists the concept of introducing something new that has never existed. Invention is created through making improvement of existing things (Pisano, 2009). People within the field where invention is taking place might be aware of it but importance lies on how it is represented to be unique from what others see and know. As creativity is thinking of new things, innovation is doing new things and invention is doing unique things. Innovation therefore will tend to help create improvements and cause changes so that there will be efficiency and effectiveness in doing things. New ways are researched to produce and improve creativity and help in producing something in newer and improved form. Technical/Traditional Problem Solving Finding of a solution for every problem is essential in any setup. Traditional problem solving process required that a problem to be identified, defined and analyzed and several solutions which can solve problem be chosen. A chosen solution is implemented and if it does not solve the problem another solution is selected. It involved trial and error methods (Pisano, 2009). Creative/Intuitive Problem Solving Creative problem solving involves coming up with solutions to fix problems by thinking critically. This could be induced by situations, opportunities or challenges while undertaking certain activities. Creative problem solving requires assimilation of innovative approaches to solve the problem. It involves careful selection of options of which are guaranteed to some extent that they will solve the problem. Many varied and unusual options are generated and well analyzed considering perceived extend of their solving problem (Rigby, 2009). Thinking is then focused

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Critical paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Critical paper - Essay Example In his short story, Capote has successfully made me feel empathy with the protagonist of the story and his elder cousin, about whom the story is about, and around whose Christmas memories it revolves. Starting his reminiscing from late November in his past, the protagonist, who is referred to as â€Å"Buddy† in the story, relates how her older cousin, who is not named throughout the narrative, exclaims, as she does every year, â€Å"it’s fruitcake weather† (Capote 437). The older cousin is much, much older than Buddy himself, he is â€Å"seven; she is sixty-something† (Capote 437). Although it is never clear just who these two live with, however, it is clear that they live with their other relatives, as Buddy says â€Å"other people inhabit the house, relatives; and though they have power over us, and frequently make us cry, we are not, on the whole, too much aware of them† (Capote 437). This clearly means that both of them rely on each other and are friendlier towards each other than anyone else in the house, despite the extreme age difference. They like to do things together, and the older cousin has the tradition of making fruitcakes for various people before Christmas. They are poor, and though they want to buy a lot of things to bake the cakes, â€Å"there is the question of money. Neither of [them] has any† (Capote 438). Not much is provided to them by their relatives, and what they do have, they earn themselves by â€Å"holding rummage sales, selling buckets of handpicked berries, jars of home-made jam and apple jelly and peach preserves, rounding up flowers for funerals and weddings† (Capote 438). â€Å"But one way and another [they] do each year accumulate Christmas savings, a Fruitcake Fund† (Capote 438). Buddy reminisces about how they took pains to earn any penny they could, in any way possible, relating the story of how â€Å"[l]ast summer others in the house contracted to pay [them] a penny for every twenty-five flies

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Reflections on Department of Human Resource Management

Reflections on Department of Human Resource Management I did my internship at the Human resource department of Metro Hi-Tech (Pvt) Ltd in Gujrat. I spent six weeks in this department. Where I learnt how practically worked in Human resource Department. In Metro Hi-Tech (Pvt) Ltd the Human Resource Management department was established in November 2004. I worked under HR officer Mr. Aftab Butt, Payroll officer IR officer MR. Ali Raza. In this department I worked with every designation member and analyzed, observed and learned about the responsibilities and activities associated with them. Lets talk about one by one. HIRERCHY OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENT: Head: Human Resources Administration: Mr. Anwar Murad Human Resource Officer: Mr. Aftab Butt I.R Officer and Payroll Officer: Mr. Ali Raza Admin Officer: Mr. Asad Shah Admin officer (Lahor): Mr. Javed DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT I did my internship at the Human Resource department of Metro Hi- Tech (Pvt) Ltd in Gujrat. I spent six weeks in this department. Where I learnt how practically worked in Human resource Department. In Metro hi-tech the HRM department was established in Nov 2004. I worked under HR officer Mr. Aftab Butt, Payroll officer IR officer Mr. Ali Raza. In this department I worked with every designation member and analyzed, observed and learned about the responsibilities and activities associated with them. Lets talk about one by one. 2.1) Human Resource Management: Human resource (or personnel) management is getting things done through people. Its an essential part of every managers responsibilities, but many organizations find it advantageous to establish a specialist division to provide an expert service dedicated to ensuring that the human resource function is performed efficiently. People are our most valuable asset is a clichà © which no member of any senior management team would disagree with. Yet, the reality for many organizations is that their people remain Under valued Under trained Under utilized Poorly motivated, and consequently Perform well below their true capability Objectives of Huamn Resource Department: The main objective of the department is To hire the best candidate who best fit for job along with the organization and in this way increase the work effectiveness and efficiency of the whole organization. FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF HR DEPARTMENT IN Metro Hi-Tech (Pvt) Ltd. HR department of Metro Hi-Tech (Pvt) Ltd performs below mentioned functions. FUNCTIONS OF HR DEPARTMENT Man Power Planning Job Analysis Recruitment Selection Orientation Training Development Compensation Performance Appraisal Development of Forms New Employees Registrations Scholarships Terminations Legal Applications Resign Arrangements Wages Register Holiday Register Attendance Register Marriage Grant Advances Attention Cards Advance Record Salary Slip Distribution Guest Arrangement Hotels Reservations Entertainment Employees Record Keeping Resignations Final Settlements Death Grants Travel Expanse Claims Pension Cases Leaves Encashment Bonus Working Medical Bills Claim Disable Claim Group Insurance Daily Attendance Over Time Calculation Leave Applications Record Keeping Gratuity Calculation Salary Verification Group Insurance 4Functional Overview: There are four functions which are being performed under the Human Resource department of METRO Hi-Tech, it includes Huamn Resource planning, recruitment and selection IR Compensation and Reward Administration HRM Planning, Recruitment and Selection: The Human Resource planning, recruitment and selection process is done under Huamn Resource officer Mr. Aftab Butt and I worked with them and learned about the responsibilities and activities associated with them. He is the person who assists Manager Huamn Resource in hiring procedure and assessment methods e.g. designing job advertisements, developing competency criteria and effective selection process in coordination with different departments, carry out orientation of employees in junior management cadre and workers. And carry out any other job to meet organizational objectives. For this planning is the most important function. Planning: The penalties for not being correctly staffed are costly. Understaffing loses the business economies of scale and specialization, orders, customers and profits. Overstaffing is wasteful and expensive, if sustained, and it is costly to eliminate because of modern legislation in respect of redundancy payments, consultation, minimum periods of notice, etc. Very importantly, overstaffing reduces the competitive efficiency of the business. Planning staff levels requires that an assessment of present and future needs of the organization be compared with present resources and future predicted resources. Appropriate steps then be planned to bring demand and supply into balance. Thus the first step is to take in METRO for planning is satellite picture of the existing workforce profile (numbers, skills, ages, flexibility, gender, experience, forecast capabilities, character, potential, etc. of existing employees) this picture shows the existing rate of supply and what will be the demand of employees to meet the future needs Future staffing needs will derive from: Sales and production forecasts The effects of technological change on task needs Variations in the efficiency, productivity, flexibility of labor as a result of training, work study, organizational change, new motivations, etc. Changes in employment practices (e.g. use of subcontractors or agency staffs, hiving-off tasks, buying in, substitution, etc.) Variations, which respond to new legislation, e.g. payroll taxes or their abolition, new health and safety requirements Changes in Government policies (investment incentives, regional or trade grants, etc.) At the end the supply schedule is compared to the demand which shows that employees are either understaffed, overstaffed or according to the needs of companies. If employees are understaffed then company will perform recruitment function and hire new employees, and in case of overstaffing the company will perform downsizing. And at this time the rate of downsizing in Metro is 10% from every department. Recruitment: Recruitment and selection process is a very important part of staffing. Every company whatever their length should follow the recruitment and selection policy. To achieve any companys objective, qualified personnel are needed to be ensured at all level in an organization. In Metro Hi-Tech I learnt how the recruitment process was done. Recruitment of staff is preceded by an analysis of the job to be done (i.e. an analytical study of the tasks to be performed to determine their essential factors) written into a job description so that the selectors know what characteristics applicants must possess, what qualities and attitudes are desirable. Recruitment Process: In Metro Hi-Tech these steps are taken to recruitment process: A vacancy arises, sometimes this is due to the creation of a new job, on other occasions it may be because an existing member of staff has been promoted or is retiring. The job description is updated and an employee specification is written. The job description lists the duties of the job whilst the employee specification gives details of the experience, skills and abilities needed to carry out the job. A vacancy advertisement is written and is circulated via news papers, internet recruitments sites like, and employee referrals are also a major source in metro. Application forms are sent out along with copies of the job description and employee specification and must be returned on or before the closing date that has been set. A shortlist is compiled of applicants who are going to be invited to attend for interview. This is done by the recruitment panel that compare each application from with the requirements of the employee specification, Interviews are held. The panel will use the same set of questions with each interview. The interview may include a selection test. Sources of Recruitment: The main sources of recruitment in metro are Internal promotion and internal introductions (at times desirable for morale purposes) Web based recruitment. Employee referrals. Advertising. Job Description: A job description is a key document in the recruitment process. The job description must be produced for every vacancy and drafted prior to taking any other steps in the process. It indicates the potential candidates the range of duties and responsibilities of the post. It is used during appraisal to help evaluate the performance of an individual. It is a tool for performance management to ensure that the post-holder is fulfilling the appropriate duties to a required standard. I learnt how done job analysis and develop job description in metro. Selection: Effectively, selection is buying an employee (the price being the wage or salary multiplied by probable years of service) .in Metro hi-tech the selection is done by internal experts. Interviewing is carried out by individuals (e.g. supervisor or departmental manager), by panels of interviewers or in the form of sequential interviews by different experts and can vary from a five minute chat to a process of several days. Selection Process: In Metro after a substantial amount of applications have been received, the line and the HR managers again work together to shortlist the applications. This is done by carefully going through all the application and by giving different weightage to the following criteria: Quality of early schooling Grade obtained Extra Curricular activities Overseas travel and education Age Target University Relevant experience The HR Department then issue call letters to the short listed candidates along with blank application forms by Date, time and venue for the preliminary interview is advised and candidates are asked to bring along completed application forms. A two-member panel of HR and line management carries out competency-based interviews focusing on functional skills and managerial and supervisory skills. After the preliminary interview is cleared people applying for different jobs are tested in different ways. The following management competencies are assessed by a panel of cross functional assessors In the case of management selection: Communication skills Resource management Rational decision making Influencing Creative thinking Business development The Huamn Resource department is responsible for overall administration. The Huamn Resource department provides details of remuneration package and terms and conditions of service. The department also prepares appointment letter, service agreement and finalizes other documentation for service record. Grading Criteria of Employees: 1: Manual Workers: Helpers: they are non graded persons Semi skilled workers: after getting some training the helpers are promoted to this grade Skilled workers: semi skilled workers are promoted to this grade after getting some more technical training in their area 2: Supervisory Grade: Skilled workers having two years experience are promoted to supervisory grade. it includes three grades S1 Junior supervisor S2 Supervisor S3 Senior supervisor 3: Executive Grades: Employees from supervisory grades are promoted to executive grades only when they enhance their qualification according to the requirement of the job. They include E1 Junior executive E2 Executive E3 Senior executive 4: Managerial grades: In managerial grades there are different requirements. It includes five grades which are following M1 Assistant Manager (master degree or MBA, 2/3 years experience) M2 Deputy Manager (master degree or MBA 5 yrs experience) M3 Manager (master degree or MBA 8years experience) M4 Senior Manager (master degree or MBA 10years experience) M5 General Manager (master degree or MBA 15years experience) GRADING CRITERIA Grade (M) M Grade leads to the managers. There are 5 categories in M Grade. Designations according to grades are as follows; Grade Designation M5 General Manager M4 Senior Manager M3 Manager M2 Deputy Manager M1 Assistant Manager Grade (E) E Grade is used for Executives. There are three categories in E Grade. Designations according to grades are as follows; Grade Designation E3 Senior Executive E2 Executive E1 Junior Executive Grade (S) Supervisors are granted Grade S. There are 4 categories in S Grade. Designations according to grades are as follows; Grade Designation S3 Senior Supervisor S2 Supervisor S1 Junior Supervisor Employee Evaluation: One of HR officer responsibility is to assist Manager HR for the implementation of Performance Appraisal System (MBO) according to company policy. And to issue Annual Performance Appraisal Forms to concerned In-charges; follow-up and maintenance of appraisal record. After the performance appraisal maintain personal files of all employees. To working with HR officer I learnt how the employees are being appraised and how the record was maintained An organization needs constantly to take stock of its workforce and to assess its performance in existing jobs for three reasons: To improve organizational performance via improving the performance of individual contributors To identify potential, i.e. to recognize existing talent and to use that to fill vacancies higher in the organization or to transfer individuals into jobs where better use can be made of their abilities or developing skills. To provide an equitable method of linking payment to performance where there are no numerical criteria (often this salary performance review takes place about three months later and is kept quite separate from 1. and 2. but is based on the same assessment). In metro Hi- Tech appraisal is done on annually basis. Appraisals category in Metro hi-tech: There are four categories for appraisals in metro which is following. Appraisal category Definition of category % Of total numbers of employees which can be rated in this category 1.outstanding Indicates exceptional performance 20% 2.very Good Indicate performance that consistently meets the requirements of the position, very good indicates the individual is on track for advancements 16% 3. Good Indicated performance that requires improvement (i.e. meet requirements without initiative or advancement) 8% 4. Basic Performance to be improved (hardly meets requirements) 5% Sources of Performance Appraisal: In Metro the primary sources of performance appraisal are the managers or supervisors. There are used different appraisal forms for supervisors, managers and executives according to their jobs levels and competencies regarding their work. 2.4.2) Compensation and Reward: As internee I did work with Payroll and IR officer Mr. Mohsin Shahzad. their responsibilities are as following; To process the provident Fund Loan of workmen. To prepare daily attendance report. To prepare salary sheet for both divisions. To extract desired information from salary sheet for various purposes. To calculate bonus for both divisions. To verify attendance of both divisions and prepare late attendance report on daily basis. To maintain attendance record of all the employees. To maintain overtime record of all the employees. To maintain record of leaves of workers and staff. To maintain record of advances given to employees of both division. To carry out any other job to meet organizational objectives. I learnt their reward and compensation process. Different rewards that are given to employees by the company and how the record was maintained how fill the forms about the reward category. And also learnt their compensation process how the employees and workers are being awarded. How maintain relation with employees within the departments and outside the departments. To retain good staff and to encourage them to give of their best while at work requires attention to the financial and psychological and even physiological rewards offered by the organization as a continuous exercise. The compensation and reward program is controlled by payroll officer working under head of human resource. Payroll software is used in metro hi-tech to enter and control the pay of employees. They are more concerned about the financial rewards for the motivations of employees but they dont use any non-financial rewards. Financial rewards include bounces, group insurance, car schemes, provident fund scheme, medical policies, and TA/DA policy. Salary: The compensation includes the basic salary of employees. This salary is decided by the job evolution and market surveys. Then it is bargain with the employee at selection time which results in the basic pay for that job. Mode of payments is different for graded and non graded employees. Payments are made to graded employees through banks on monthly bases according to the terms and conditions of contract and to non-graded workers salary is paid through cash. Allocations of remuneration: Managerial category: Basic salary 67% of gross salary House rent 40% of basic salary Utility allowances 10% of basic salary Non-managerial category: Basic salary 62.5% of basic salary House rent 40% of basic Utility allowances 10% Food allowances 10% Bounces: Bounces are given on the basis of given salary. Bounces are 67% of the basic salary. Provident fund scheme: According to this scheme 10% of basic salary of employee is deducted and same amount is added by the employer is put in the saving account of employee. The lump sum amount is provided to employees after his retirement. Group insurance: Its a state life insurance for the death of employee during its job life. It is usually 2 lac rupees. Car scheme: Car scheme are offered to only those employees who are working for managerial positions. This scheme for different managerial levels are Mehran to M1 and M2 Cultus /city to M3, XLI GLI to M4. Honda Civic to M5 (40% of book value is paid by employee in 60 installments) Fuel Policy: Free fuel or the CNG of the same amount is provided to managers 115kg to M1 145 to M2 175 to M3 225 to M4 250 to M5 Medical policy: Metro provides Medical facilities to employees and their family for OPD and Hospitalization. In OPD (Out Patient Door) policy allowances for supervisory grade are 12000, for Executive grades are 20,000, and for Managerial grade are 30,000. In case of hospitalization the whole expense of hospitalization is beard by company. Loans: Temporary loans: temporary loans are one month salary in advance. Permanent loans: it includes loan more than one month salary and have to be returned in six installments. TA/DA policy: Grades TA DA M1 5r/km 600/day M2 6rs/km 800/day M3 7/km 1000/day M4 8/km 1200/day M5 10/km 1500/day Business cards: All HODs are eligible for business cards .they may request for 200 cards at any point. 2.4.3): Administration The work of admin officer is to control transport, maintenance, security management requirement and scraps. 2.4.4): Industrial relations: The responsibilities for IR officer are To maintain proper record of Employee Old Age Benefit ( Registration, Monthly contribution, Pension claims) To prepare documentation pertaining to Social Security Institution. To process workers applications relating to Marriage Grant and maintain their record. To handle all cases related to Scholarship of employees children, maintain record and follow up. Responsible for keeping liaison with the Government Labor Welfare Department, legal advisor in legal matters and whenever necessary official of the district administration of their public utility departments. To participate in domestic enquiries, to produce documentary evidence on behalf of company representative. To arrange Group Insurance of employees and prepare updated list of all employees, to lodge disability and death claim etc. To prepare updated list of employees members of Provident Fund Contribution Scheme. To prepare the list of employees applied for permanent advance update its record in coordination with payroll Administrator. To verify attendance of both division. To assist Pay Roll Officer in salary preparation. To update record related to statutory requirement. To arrange EOBI cards of employees within time and to arrange monthly contribution. To arrange new Social Security Cards and renewal of cards at the earliest opportunity. To maintain smooth relationship with all workers of the company. To carry out any other job to meet organizational objectives. Good industrial relations, while a recognizable and legitimate objective for an organization, are difficult to define since a good system of industrial relations involves complex relationships between: (a) Workers (and their informal and formal groups, i.e. trade union, organizations and their representatives) (b) Employers (and their managers and formal organizations like trade and professional associations); (c) The government and legislation and government agencies l and independent agencies like the Advisory Conciliation and Arbitration Service. Oversimplified, work is a matter of managers giving instructions and workers following them but (and even under slavery we recognize that different managing produces very different results) the variety of forms which have evolved to regulate the conduct of parties (i.e. laws, custom and practice, observances, agreements) makes the giving and receipt of instructions far from simple. Two types of rule have evolved: Substantive, determining basic pay and conditions of service (what rewards workers should receive); Procedural, determining how workers should be treated and methods and procedures. I worked for filling the documents relating to the induction. I filled the payroll entries which is the basic documentation. And learnt how to include new inductions in payroll which is done through HR. and also seek how made salary sheets in the end of the month During work under Mr. Aftab butt he assigned an task to create any job vacancy for metro hi-tech. So I create job vacancy for telephone operator and describe the need of telephone operator which is following. Metro Hi-Tech Telephone Operator in Gujrat The ingredients of the implementation plan are. Need/problem at the branch. Qualities of a telephone operator Benefits of a telephone operator. How the need created and companies staff decision. Need problem at the branch. Every organization has some problems. Metro has the problem of telephone operator. It can save the precious time of not only manager but other staff as well. On the other hand companys communication system was not doing well overall. Therefore as an internee I felt that there should be a telephone operator who can easily handle this situation. Benefits of the telephone operator It saves precious time of the manager and staff members. It saves the time of the customers. Creates good impression on the customer. Communication within the company. Communication of company with outside enhances. How the need was created The need for telephone operator was created because the staff members would have to leave their work and attend the telephone but sometimes it would be a wrong call, others call or the calls which they wanted to avoid this would not only waste their time but also affect their performance a great deal. Therefore they think its useful to have a spare person for this facility. CRITICAL ANALYSIS Metro Hi Tech have all the departments working and also have got sufficient man power available in terms of quantity a part from human resource department. In the whole organization there are quite good enough experienced human resource available, who are motivated fresh and committed again except human resource department. There is autocracy in organization but still rests of the employees are taken into consideration while making any decisions but partially. CEO of Metro Hi Tech have got strict attitude with employees. He takes an adequate part in daily operations done by management team. Culture of the organization is very learning. Employees tend to help each other they dont feel fear of inferiority by telling or helping. They have flexible culture regarding timings but still everyone has to complete ones working hours. About other rules and regulations they have strong culture each and every thing is communicated to every employee. Coordination among departments has been on the better side in the whole period of mine as an internee. But there is overlapping in departments, which is causing some problems. Organization has very good sales and marketing department with experienced and qualified staff that is why their customer service department is very strong and takes care of customer. Rest of all department are also working properly they all have sufficient quantity and quality of employees but there are two departments about which I recognize that there is problem in terms of quality and quantity of employees, those departments are purchase and human resource department. In purchase department they have sufficient quantity but they have unskilled department because they dont know how to use computer because they have to do a lot of work on computer. Where as in human resource department they have many problems to face some of them are internally caused and some externally. Internally factors are that there is overlapping in human resource department they have insufficient quantity and quality of staff. There are tow retired employees are working whos performance, motivation and commitment is on the lower side and they are very lazy in their work which is disturbing whole coordination of the department. Secondly there is need of at least one employee in human resource department because they have loads of work to do and often fail to meet the assignments. So there is need of fresh blood. Externally factors are stopping them to perform all the human resource functions e.g. training and development of employees, organization doesnt have strategic focus about training and development of employees although human resource department wants to do but top management doesnt. That is reason they have lost many experienced and qualified emp loyees in the past. Another problem is that all the promotions are done on the basis of references and favoritism although they have very good policy of performance appraisal. There is another problem which is that they must have to have their HRIS (Human Resource Information System). They are maintaining their record on MS EXCEL but they must have HRIS to maintain skills inventories. In their workplace area to avoid conflicts between workers they have made a policy which name is supervisory system. They have appointed supervisors to groups who work as moderators. Recommendations: Following are some recommendations for Metro, which we personally feel can be useful for the organization, its employees and the customers. And which helps the organization to improve its effectiveness and efficiency in highly competitive world. The Human Resources should take less time in recruitment and selection. There should be training centers for employees and workers. In training refreshing courses should be adequate and more frequent. Advanced training should b given to employees which enhance their skills. Human Resource Department may advice and train employees for one window operation in order to reduce the time and conserve the resources. Executives and employees should be trained on continuous basis to give them knowledge about the current market trends and new marketing concepts. The promotional criteria by the Human Resource Department should be defined and be as per rules. The proper and competitive evaluation of the methods and procedures adopted by other competitors will enhance the performance of Human Resource Department. Metro should use 360 % appraisal and potential appraisal process to evaluate employees. This is the era of Information Technology. The functions and procedures of the Company should be converted from manual to the automatic. It will enhance the performance of the Human Resource Department and ultimately of the company Human Resource Department should allocate resources for this purpose. Pay packages may be revised in the light of profit earned by the organization. Metro has a formal environment which can be changed to more relax and friendly environment. To establish core competence and to bring competitiveness, metro should implement numerous effective plans to improve the performance of its various departments. Supervisors must manage employee performance well in order for Metro to accomplish its mission and achieve its goals. There should be effective communication system .Establishing and maintaining effective communications with each Employee not only requires good oral and written communications Skills, but it also includes the ability to establish good working Relationships. To communicate effectively with employees, Supervisors must establish an environment that promotes an open Door atmosphere, the sharing of ideas, and employee involvement in decision making processes. When HR manager is going to prepare job description must get information about work to employees it is easy for employees to do work effectively. Employees should be known that what is expected to them and how it will be measured. So KPAs and performance measures should be well communicated to employees.