Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Critical paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Critical paper - Essay Example In his short story, Capote has successfully made me feel empathy with the protagonist of the story and his elder cousin, about whom the story is about, and around whose Christmas memories it revolves. Starting his reminiscing from late November in his past, the protagonist, who is referred to as â€Å"Buddy† in the story, relates how her older cousin, who is not named throughout the narrative, exclaims, as she does every year, â€Å"it’s fruitcake weather† (Capote 437). The older cousin is much, much older than Buddy himself, he is â€Å"seven; she is sixty-something† (Capote 437). Although it is never clear just who these two live with, however, it is clear that they live with their other relatives, as Buddy says â€Å"other people inhabit the house, relatives; and though they have power over us, and frequently make us cry, we are not, on the whole, too much aware of them† (Capote 437). This clearly means that both of them rely on each other and are friendlier towards each other than anyone else in the house, despite the extreme age difference. They like to do things together, and the older cousin has the tradition of making fruitcakes for various people before Christmas. They are poor, and though they want to buy a lot of things to bake the cakes, â€Å"there is the question of money. Neither of [them] has any† (Capote 438). Not much is provided to them by their relatives, and what they do have, they earn themselves by â€Å"holding rummage sales, selling buckets of handpicked berries, jars of home-made jam and apple jelly and peach preserves, rounding up flowers for funerals and weddings† (Capote 438). â€Å"But one way and another [they] do each year accumulate Christmas savings, a Fruitcake Fund† (Capote 438). Buddy reminisces about how they took pains to earn any penny they could, in any way possible, relating the story of how â€Å"[l]ast summer others in the house contracted to pay [them] a penny for every twenty-five flies

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Reflections on Department of Human Resource Management

Reflections on Department of Human Resource Management I did my internship at the Human resource department of Metro Hi-Tech (Pvt) Ltd in Gujrat. I spent six weeks in this department. Where I learnt how practically worked in Human resource Department. In Metro Hi-Tech (Pvt) Ltd the Human Resource Management department was established in November 2004. I worked under HR officer Mr. Aftab Butt, Payroll officer IR officer MR. Ali Raza. In this department I worked with every designation member and analyzed, observed and learned about the responsibilities and activities associated with them. Lets talk about one by one. HIRERCHY OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENT: Head: Human Resources Administration: Mr. Anwar Murad Human Resource Officer: Mr. Aftab Butt I.R Officer and Payroll Officer: Mr. Ali Raza Admin Officer: Mr. Asad Shah Admin officer (Lahor): Mr. Javed DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT I did my internship at the Human Resource department of Metro Hi- Tech (Pvt) Ltd in Gujrat. I spent six weeks in this department. Where I learnt how practically worked in Human resource Department. In Metro hi-tech the HRM department was established in Nov 2004. I worked under HR officer Mr. Aftab Butt, Payroll officer IR officer Mr. Ali Raza. In this department I worked with every designation member and analyzed, observed and learned about the responsibilities and activities associated with them. Lets talk about one by one. 2.1) Human Resource Management: Human resource (or personnel) management is getting things done through people. Its an essential part of every managers responsibilities, but many organizations find it advantageous to establish a specialist division to provide an expert service dedicated to ensuring that the human resource function is performed efficiently. People are our most valuable asset is a clichà © which no member of any senior management team would disagree with. Yet, the reality for many organizations is that their people remain Under valued Under trained Under utilized Poorly motivated, and consequently Perform well below their true capability Objectives of Huamn Resource Department: The main objective of the department is To hire the best candidate who best fit for job along with the organization and in this way increase the work effectiveness and efficiency of the whole organization. FUNCTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF HR DEPARTMENT IN Metro Hi-Tech (Pvt) Ltd. HR department of Metro Hi-Tech (Pvt) Ltd performs below mentioned functions. FUNCTIONS OF HR DEPARTMENT Man Power Planning Job Analysis Recruitment Selection Orientation Training Development Compensation Performance Appraisal Development of Forms New Employees Registrations Scholarships Terminations Legal Applications Resign Arrangements Wages Register Holiday Register Attendance Register Marriage Grant Advances Attention Cards Advance Record Salary Slip Distribution Guest Arrangement Hotels Reservations Entertainment Employees Record Keeping Resignations Final Settlements Death Grants Travel Expanse Claims Pension Cases Leaves Encashment Bonus Working Medical Bills Claim Disable Claim Group Insurance Daily Attendance Over Time Calculation Leave Applications Record Keeping Gratuity Calculation Salary Verification Group Insurance 4Functional Overview: There are four functions which are being performed under the Human Resource department of METRO Hi-Tech, it includes Huamn Resource planning, recruitment and selection IR Compensation and Reward Administration HRM Planning, Recruitment and Selection: The Human Resource planning, recruitment and selection process is done under Huamn Resource officer Mr. Aftab Butt and I worked with them and learned about the responsibilities and activities associated with them. He is the person who assists Manager Huamn Resource in hiring procedure and assessment methods e.g. designing job advertisements, developing competency criteria and effective selection process in coordination with different departments, carry out orientation of employees in junior management cadre and workers. And carry out any other job to meet organizational objectives. For this planning is the most important function. Planning: The penalties for not being correctly staffed are costly. Understaffing loses the business economies of scale and specialization, orders, customers and profits. Overstaffing is wasteful and expensive, if sustained, and it is costly to eliminate because of modern legislation in respect of redundancy payments, consultation, minimum periods of notice, etc. Very importantly, overstaffing reduces the competitive efficiency of the business. Planning staff levels requires that an assessment of present and future needs of the organization be compared with present resources and future predicted resources. Appropriate steps then be planned to bring demand and supply into balance. Thus the first step is to take in METRO for planning is satellite picture of the existing workforce profile (numbers, skills, ages, flexibility, gender, experience, forecast capabilities, character, potential, etc. of existing employees) this picture shows the existing rate of supply and what will be the demand of employees to meet the future needs Future staffing needs will derive from: Sales and production forecasts The effects of technological change on task needs Variations in the efficiency, productivity, flexibility of labor as a result of training, work study, organizational change, new motivations, etc. Changes in employment practices (e.g. use of subcontractors or agency staffs, hiving-off tasks, buying in, substitution, etc.) Variations, which respond to new legislation, e.g. payroll taxes or their abolition, new health and safety requirements Changes in Government policies (investment incentives, regional or trade grants, etc.) At the end the supply schedule is compared to the demand which shows that employees are either understaffed, overstaffed or according to the needs of companies. If employees are understaffed then company will perform recruitment function and hire new employees, and in case of overstaffing the company will perform downsizing. And at this time the rate of downsizing in Metro is 10% from every department. Recruitment: Recruitment and selection process is a very important part of staffing. Every company whatever their length should follow the recruitment and selection policy. To achieve any companys objective, qualified personnel are needed to be ensured at all level in an organization. In Metro Hi-Tech I learnt how the recruitment process was done. Recruitment of staff is preceded by an analysis of the job to be done (i.e. an analytical study of the tasks to be performed to determine their essential factors) written into a job description so that the selectors know what characteristics applicants must possess, what qualities and attitudes are desirable. Recruitment Process: In Metro Hi-Tech these steps are taken to recruitment process: A vacancy arises, sometimes this is due to the creation of a new job, on other occasions it may be because an existing member of staff has been promoted or is retiring. The job description is updated and an employee specification is written. The job description lists the duties of the job whilst the employee specification gives details of the experience, skills and abilities needed to carry out the job. A vacancy advertisement is written and is circulated via news papers, internet recruitments sites like, and employee referrals are also a major source in metro. Application forms are sent out along with copies of the job description and employee specification and must be returned on or before the closing date that has been set. A shortlist is compiled of applicants who are going to be invited to attend for interview. This is done by the recruitment panel that compare each application from with the requirements of the employee specification, Interviews are held. The panel will use the same set of questions with each interview. The interview may include a selection test. Sources of Recruitment: The main sources of recruitment in metro are Internal promotion and internal introductions (at times desirable for morale purposes) Web based recruitment. Employee referrals. Advertising. Job Description: A job description is a key document in the recruitment process. The job description must be produced for every vacancy and drafted prior to taking any other steps in the process. It indicates the potential candidates the range of duties and responsibilities of the post. It is used during appraisal to help evaluate the performance of an individual. It is a tool for performance management to ensure that the post-holder is fulfilling the appropriate duties to a required standard. I learnt how done job analysis and develop job description in metro. Selection: Effectively, selection is buying an employee (the price being the wage or salary multiplied by probable years of service) .in Metro hi-tech the selection is done by internal experts. Interviewing is carried out by individuals (e.g. supervisor or departmental manager), by panels of interviewers or in the form of sequential interviews by different experts and can vary from a five minute chat to a process of several days. Selection Process: In Metro after a substantial amount of applications have been received, the line and the HR managers again work together to shortlist the applications. This is done by carefully going through all the application and by giving different weightage to the following criteria: Quality of early schooling Grade obtained Extra Curricular activities Overseas travel and education Age Target University Relevant experience The HR Department then issue call letters to the short listed candidates along with blank application forms by Date, time and venue for the preliminary interview is advised and candidates are asked to bring along completed application forms. A two-member panel of HR and line management carries out competency-based interviews focusing on functional skills and managerial and supervisory skills. After the preliminary interview is cleared people applying for different jobs are tested in different ways. The following management competencies are assessed by a panel of cross functional assessors In the case of management selection: Communication skills Resource management Rational decision making Influencing Creative thinking Business development The Huamn Resource department is responsible for overall administration. The Huamn Resource department provides details of remuneration package and terms and conditions of service. The department also prepares appointment letter, service agreement and finalizes other documentation for service record. Grading Criteria of Employees: 1: Manual Workers: Helpers: they are non graded persons Semi skilled workers: after getting some training the helpers are promoted to this grade Skilled workers: semi skilled workers are promoted to this grade after getting some more technical training in their area 2: Supervisory Grade: Skilled workers having two years experience are promoted to supervisory grade. it includes three grades S1 Junior supervisor S2 Supervisor S3 Senior supervisor 3: Executive Grades: Employees from supervisory grades are promoted to executive grades only when they enhance their qualification according to the requirement of the job. They include E1 Junior executive E2 Executive E3 Senior executive 4: Managerial grades: In managerial grades there are different requirements. It includes five grades which are following M1 Assistant Manager (master degree or MBA, 2/3 years experience) M2 Deputy Manager (master degree or MBA 5 yrs experience) M3 Manager (master degree or MBA 8years experience) M4 Senior Manager (master degree or MBA 10years experience) M5 General Manager (master degree or MBA 15years experience) GRADING CRITERIA Grade (M) M Grade leads to the managers. There are 5 categories in M Grade. Designations according to grades are as follows; Grade Designation M5 General Manager M4 Senior Manager M3 Manager M2 Deputy Manager M1 Assistant Manager Grade (E) E Grade is used for Executives. There are three categories in E Grade. Designations according to grades are as follows; Grade Designation E3 Senior Executive E2 Executive E1 Junior Executive Grade (S) Supervisors are granted Grade S. There are 4 categories in S Grade. Designations according to grades are as follows; Grade Designation S3 Senior Supervisor S2 Supervisor S1 Junior Supervisor Employee Evaluation: One of HR officer responsibility is to assist Manager HR for the implementation of Performance Appraisal System (MBO) according to company policy. And to issue Annual Performance Appraisal Forms to concerned In-charges; follow-up and maintenance of appraisal record. After the performance appraisal maintain personal files of all employees. To working with HR officer I learnt how the employees are being appraised and how the record was maintained An organization needs constantly to take stock of its workforce and to assess its performance in existing jobs for three reasons: To improve organizational performance via improving the performance of individual contributors To identify potential, i.e. to recognize existing talent and to use that to fill vacancies higher in the organization or to transfer individuals into jobs where better use can be made of their abilities or developing skills. To provide an equitable method of linking payment to performance where there are no numerical criteria (often this salary performance review takes place about three months later and is kept quite separate from 1. and 2. but is based on the same assessment). In metro Hi- Tech appraisal is done on annually basis. Appraisals category in Metro hi-tech: There are four categories for appraisals in metro which is following. Appraisal category Definition of category % Of total numbers of employees which can be rated in this category 1.outstanding Indicates exceptional performance 20% 2.very Good Indicate performance that consistently meets the requirements of the position, very good indicates the individual is on track for advancements 16% 3. Good Indicated performance that requires improvement (i.e. meet requirements without initiative or advancement) 8% 4. Basic Performance to be improved (hardly meets requirements) 5% Sources of Performance Appraisal: In Metro the primary sources of performance appraisal are the managers or supervisors. There are used different appraisal forms for supervisors, managers and executives according to their jobs levels and competencies regarding their work. 2.4.2) Compensation and Reward: As internee I did work with Payroll and IR officer Mr. Mohsin Shahzad. their responsibilities are as following; To process the provident Fund Loan of workmen. To prepare daily attendance report. To prepare salary sheet for both divisions. To extract desired information from salary sheet for various purposes. To calculate bonus for both divisions. To verify attendance of both divisions and prepare late attendance report on daily basis. To maintain attendance record of all the employees. To maintain overtime record of all the employees. To maintain record of leaves of workers and staff. To maintain record of advances given to employees of both division. To carry out any other job to meet organizational objectives. I learnt their reward and compensation process. Different rewards that are given to employees by the company and how the record was maintained how fill the forms about the reward category. And also learnt their compensation process how the employees and workers are being awarded. How maintain relation with employees within the departments and outside the departments. To retain good staff and to encourage them to give of their best while at work requires attention to the financial and psychological and even physiological rewards offered by the organization as a continuous exercise. The compensation and reward program is controlled by payroll officer working under head of human resource. Payroll software is used in metro hi-tech to enter and control the pay of employees. They are more concerned about the financial rewards for the motivations of employees but they dont use any non-financial rewards. Financial rewards include bounces, group insurance, car schemes, provident fund scheme, medical policies, and TA/DA policy. Salary: The compensation includes the basic salary of employees. This salary is decided by the job evolution and market surveys. Then it is bargain with the employee at selection time which results in the basic pay for that job. Mode of payments is different for graded and non graded employees. Payments are made to graded employees through banks on monthly bases according to the terms and conditions of contract and to non-graded workers salary is paid through cash. Allocations of remuneration: Managerial category: Basic salary 67% of gross salary House rent 40% of basic salary Utility allowances 10% of basic salary Non-managerial category: Basic salary 62.5% of basic salary House rent 40% of basic Utility allowances 10% Food allowances 10% Bounces: Bounces are given on the basis of given salary. Bounces are 67% of the basic salary. Provident fund scheme: According to this scheme 10% of basic salary of employee is deducted and same amount is added by the employer is put in the saving account of employee. The lump sum amount is provided to employees after his retirement. Group insurance: Its a state life insurance for the death of employee during its job life. It is usually 2 lac rupees. Car scheme: Car scheme are offered to only those employees who are working for managerial positions. This scheme for different managerial levels are Mehran to M1 and M2 Cultus /city to M3, XLI GLI to M4. Honda Civic to M5 (40% of book value is paid by employee in 60 installments) Fuel Policy: Free fuel or the CNG of the same amount is provided to managers 115kg to M1 145 to M2 175 to M3 225 to M4 250 to M5 Medical policy: Metro provides Medical facilities to employees and their family for OPD and Hospitalization. In OPD (Out Patient Door) policy allowances for supervisory grade are 12000, for Executive grades are 20,000, and for Managerial grade are 30,000. In case of hospitalization the whole expense of hospitalization is beard by company. Loans: Temporary loans: temporary loans are one month salary in advance. Permanent loans: it includes loan more than one month salary and have to be returned in six installments. TA/DA policy: Grades TA DA M1 5r/km 600/day M2 6rs/km 800/day M3 7/km 1000/day M4 8/km 1200/day M5 10/km 1500/day Business cards: All HODs are eligible for business cards .they may request for 200 cards at any point. 2.4.3): Administration The work of admin officer is to control transport, maintenance, security management requirement and scraps. 2.4.4): Industrial relations: The responsibilities for IR officer are To maintain proper record of Employee Old Age Benefit ( Registration, Monthly contribution, Pension claims) To prepare documentation pertaining to Social Security Institution. To process workers applications relating to Marriage Grant and maintain their record. To handle all cases related to Scholarship of employees children, maintain record and follow up. Responsible for keeping liaison with the Government Labor Welfare Department, legal advisor in legal matters and whenever necessary official of the district administration of their public utility departments. To participate in domestic enquiries, to produce documentary evidence on behalf of company representative. To arrange Group Insurance of employees and prepare updated list of all employees, to lodge disability and death claim etc. To prepare updated list of employees members of Provident Fund Contribution Scheme. To prepare the list of employees applied for permanent advance update its record in coordination with payroll Administrator. To verify attendance of both division. To assist Pay Roll Officer in salary preparation. To update record related to statutory requirement. To arrange EOBI cards of employees within time and to arrange monthly contribution. To arrange new Social Security Cards and renewal of cards at the earliest opportunity. To maintain smooth relationship with all workers of the company. To carry out any other job to meet organizational objectives. Good industrial relations, while a recognizable and legitimate objective for an organization, are difficult to define since a good system of industrial relations involves complex relationships between: (a) Workers (and their informal and formal groups, i.e. trade union, organizations and their representatives) (b) Employers (and their managers and formal organizations like trade and professional associations); (c) The government and legislation and government agencies l and independent agencies like the Advisory Conciliation and Arbitration Service. Oversimplified, work is a matter of managers giving instructions and workers following them but (and even under slavery we recognize that different managing produces very different results) the variety of forms which have evolved to regulate the conduct of parties (i.e. laws, custom and practice, observances, agreements) makes the giving and receipt of instructions far from simple. Two types of rule have evolved: Substantive, determining basic pay and conditions of service (what rewards workers should receive); Procedural, determining how workers should be treated and methods and procedures. I worked for filling the documents relating to the induction. I filled the payroll entries which is the basic documentation. And learnt how to include new inductions in payroll which is done through HR. and also seek how made salary sheets in the end of the month During work under Mr. Aftab butt he assigned an task to create any job vacancy for metro hi-tech. So I create job vacancy for telephone operator and describe the need of telephone operator which is following. Metro Hi-Tech Telephone Operator in Gujrat The ingredients of the implementation plan are. Need/problem at the branch. Qualities of a telephone operator Benefits of a telephone operator. How the need created and companies staff decision. Need problem at the branch. Every organization has some problems. Metro has the problem of telephone operator. It can save the precious time of not only manager but other staff as well. On the other hand companys communication system was not doing well overall. Therefore as an internee I felt that there should be a telephone operator who can easily handle this situation. Benefits of the telephone operator It saves precious time of the manager and staff members. It saves the time of the customers. Creates good impression on the customer. Communication within the company. Communication of company with outside enhances. How the need was created The need for telephone operator was created because the staff members would have to leave their work and attend the telephone but sometimes it would be a wrong call, others call or the calls which they wanted to avoid this would not only waste their time but also affect their performance a great deal. Therefore they think its useful to have a spare person for this facility. CRITICAL ANALYSIS Metro Hi Tech have all the departments working and also have got sufficient man power available in terms of quantity a part from human resource department. In the whole organization there are quite good enough experienced human resource available, who are motivated fresh and committed again except human resource department. There is autocracy in organization but still rests of the employees are taken into consideration while making any decisions but partially. CEO of Metro Hi Tech have got strict attitude with employees. He takes an adequate part in daily operations done by management team. Culture of the organization is very learning. Employees tend to help each other they dont feel fear of inferiority by telling or helping. They have flexible culture regarding timings but still everyone has to complete ones working hours. About other rules and regulations they have strong culture each and every thing is communicated to every employee. Coordination among departments has been on the better side in the whole period of mine as an internee. But there is overlapping in departments, which is causing some problems. Organization has very good sales and marketing department with experienced and qualified staff that is why their customer service department is very strong and takes care of customer. Rest of all department are also working properly they all have sufficient quantity and quality of employees but there are two departments about which I recognize that there is problem in terms of quality and quantity of employees, those departments are purchase and human resource department. In purchase department they have sufficient quantity but they have unskilled department because they dont know how to use computer because they have to do a lot of work on computer. Where as in human resource department they have many problems to face some of them are internally caused and some externally. Internally factors are that there is overlapping in human resource department they have insufficient quantity and quality of staff. There are tow retired employees are working whos performance, motivation and commitment is on the lower side and they are very lazy in their work which is disturbing whole coordination of the department. Secondly there is need of at least one employee in human resource department because they have loads of work to do and often fail to meet the assignments. So there is need of fresh blood. Externally factors are stopping them to perform all the human resource functions e.g. training and development of employees, organization doesnt have strategic focus about training and development of employees although human resource department wants to do but top management doesnt. That is reason they have lost many experienced and qualified emp loyees in the past. Another problem is that all the promotions are done on the basis of references and favoritism although they have very good policy of performance appraisal. There is another problem which is that they must have to have their HRIS (Human Resource Information System). They are maintaining their record on MS EXCEL but they must have HRIS to maintain skills inventories. In their workplace area to avoid conflicts between workers they have made a policy which name is supervisory system. They have appointed supervisors to groups who work as moderators. Recommendations: Following are some recommendations for Metro, which we personally feel can be useful for the organization, its employees and the customers. And which helps the organization to improve its effectiveness and efficiency in highly competitive world. The Human Resources should take less time in recruitment and selection. There should be training centers for employees and workers. In training refreshing courses should be adequate and more frequent. Advanced training should b given to employees which enhance their skills. Human Resource Department may advice and train employees for one window operation in order to reduce the time and conserve the resources. Executives and employees should be trained on continuous basis to give them knowledge about the current market trends and new marketing concepts. The promotional criteria by the Human Resource Department should be defined and be as per rules. The proper and competitive evaluation of the methods and procedures adopted by other competitors will enhance the performance of Human Resource Department. Metro should use 360 % appraisal and potential appraisal process to evaluate employees. This is the era of Information Technology. The functions and procedures of the Company should be converted from manual to the automatic. It will enhance the performance of the Human Resource Department and ultimately of the company Human Resource Department should allocate resources for this purpose. Pay packages may be revised in the light of profit earned by the organization. Metro has a formal environment which can be changed to more relax and friendly environment. To establish core competence and to bring competitiveness, metro should implement numerous effective plans to improve the performance of its various departments. Supervisors must manage employee performance well in order for Metro to accomplish its mission and achieve its goals. There should be effective communication system .Establishing and maintaining effective communications with each Employee not only requires good oral and written communications Skills, but it also includes the ability to establish good working Relationships. To communicate effectively with employees, Supervisors must establish an environment that promotes an open Door atmosphere, the sharing of ideas, and employee involvement in decision making processes. When HR manager is going to prepare job description must get information about work to employees it is easy for employees to do work effectively. Employees should be known that what is expected to them and how it will be measured. So KPAs and performance measures should be well communicated to employees.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Language, Identity and Social Acceptance in Hal Borland’s Novel, When the Legends Die :: When Legends Die

Language as the Key to Identity and Social Acceptance in Hal Borland’s Novel, When the Legends Die In the world today, many people are identified by the way they look or act; they are also accepted into society based on this criteria. However, in literature, one cannot be identified or judged on these aspects, these observations must be created solely from the way the character speaks. This shows that James Baldwin was correct in his 1979 essay when he stated that language is a key to identity and social acceptance. This observation can be seen in the novel When the Legends Die by Hal Borland. When the Legends Die is a novel about a boy, Thomas, growing into a man. There are a variety of characters in this novel and without their different styles of speaking, the reader would not be able to tell them apart. One example of identifying a character by what they say is a man named Blue Elk. Blue Elk was an extremely greedy Ute Indian. He would do anything, including sending other Native Americans to live on reservations, where they were miserable, to make easy money. So, in When the Legends Die when a reader sees a character talking about how much money he made, or who he has conned lately he or she knows that the character is Blue Elk. Another example of recognizing a character by their speaking style is a man named Meo. Meo was a bronco rider when he was younger and now he helps in training Thomas to become a champion rider. Meo also grows beans and loves making chili. He is always talking about the old days before his injury that ended his riding career, and how to make the â€Å"perfect† chili. So, once again, it is easy for the reader to recognize who is speaking by what he or she is talking about. Social acceptance is also a large point made in the novel. Thomas grew up as a Ute Indian and eventually became a bronco rider in rodeos. It is obvious that social acceptance is dependent on language because Thomas much change everything about himself to be accepted by the white riders. He was obligated to speak differently and he could not express his feelings in the way he was brought up. Thomas could not express himself freely because he had grown up singing traditional Ute hymns with his mother to show their feeling, and he was not allowed to do that anymore.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Avon Case Study

Avon Products, Inc. (Avon) is based in New York. The firm engages in the manufacture and marketing of beauty and complimentary products primarily in North America, Latin America, Europe, and Asia Pacific.Avon’s products are classified into three product categories: Beauty, Beauty Plus, and Beyond Beauty. The Beauty category consists of cosmetics, fragrances, skin care, and toiletries; Beauty Plus includes fashion jewelry, watches, apparel, and accessories; and Beyond Beauty comprises home products, gift and decorative products, candles, and toys.The company sells and markets its products through a combination of direct selling, marketing by independent Avon representatives, and via its consumer Web site, avon. com. Avon was one of the prominent direct sales companies in the beauty products industry.Started in the late 1800s by David McConnell, the company sold a wide variety of beauty-related products to homemakers through its direct sales agents. However, by the 1980s, the co mpany had lost its luster and performance began to falter. A failed diversification strategy made it the target of several takeover attempts.Turnaround efforts were initiated in the 1990s under then CEO James Preston and continued by his successor Charles Perrin, however, they failed to make a significant impact. Performance began to improve only after Andrea Jung became the CEO of the company in 1999. Andrea Jung became president and CEO of Avon in 1999 and has totally revamped the company. Under her leadership, the company has updated its product line, launched new advertising, and created a new image. Avon’s sales have increased by 30 %, profits 40%, and the stock price has dramatically improved.Jung’s has been able to align the firm’s core capabilities with its strategic targets which has lead to phenomenal results. It appears that Jung has been able to establish a clear vision for the firm that has been incorporated in every aspect of the firm’s oper ating system.This vision is shared by all employees and representatives of Avon priming the company for continued success. Other strategies of Jung include cost cutting by reducing number of raw material suppliers, shifting production from smaller plants to larger ones, moving manufacturing from high cost nations like Great Britain to lower cost countries such as Poland.As mentioned in the Avon case study, the e-representative initiative also has helped Avon cut costs. The direct sellers are asked to fill in the order online. Avon’s brand has definitely resonated for women through the years.During the 1980s, the company began to diversify by investing in retirement properties and healthcare products, and launching catalogs for men and children. During the initial stages of this strategy, Avon started to remove itself from its core market of selling to women. The results were downward revenue trends and slow growth throughout the 1990's which resulted in several takeover bids. Unfortunately, Sears Roebuck and JC Penny do not really resonate well with being a carrier of women’s beauty supplies. The name â€Å"Sears† have been associated with appliance and not beauty products. The move of aligning with this companies and trying to sell higher end beauty products will only push Avon in the opposite direction that it should be heading, which is to move back towards tailoring to women domestically and globally. Over the years, Avon has experienced several problems leveraging its brand in many of its product lines.As a result, positive net sales and earnings growth for the past five years have been in single digits and steadily declining year after year. Specific problem areas are stagnated sales, slow earnings growth, limited distribution capabilities and shift in personal care preferences and spending habits.Andrea Jung’s proposal to expand into certain retail markets will only perpetuate Avon’s trend of declining net sales. The pr oposed plan will indeed create an additional distribution outlet and cater to this market segment. However, the question to examine is at what expense or cost will Avon endure making this decision?Avon has faced tremendous pitfalls marketing its product lines to effectively increase brand loyalty and recognition. Examples of this include the hair care product line. Avon did not effectively develop products for ethnic hair types. Additionally, Avon did not have a hair coloring product line. As a result, Avon suffered in building brand awareness and loyalty with the younger generation as well as the older generation that also demanded this product. Avon has lost loyalty and brand recognition as a result of its decision to diversify into different industries and different product lines.This has resulted in a loss of market share drastically affecting annual profit margins. To examine the previous question of what cost will Avon endure deciding to move into the retail markets? It is cle ar and evident; the cost will be a further extension of the existing internal problems that Avon faces. Deciding to move into the retail market to create a store inside a store is not in Avon’s best interest. This move would be a further expansion of Avon’s previous decisions to diversify into markets that do not have synergy and thus will hurt the overall branding of the company.Finally, implementing Andrea Jung’s proposal to enter the retail market would be detrimental to the already fragile state of Avon’s brand awareness, recognition and loyalty. Another factor for the underperformance of Avon in the late 1990s is its failure to develop the online business. For the fear of alienating its labor force, Avon downplayed the importance of developing the e-business. A company cannot ignore the environment and expect to be successful in the long run.Due to its internal struggle with the internet strategy, Avon fell behind other less established companies in taking advantage of the explosive growth of the internet Avon’s approach should build on original direction and implementations however expanding as necessary to fit current trends and environmental assessments.The focus should be on existing internal structures to build, create and advance current product lines. Avon’s focus should also exist in the field of technology to increase online selling opportunities, update internet technology and to re-brand themselves to be a leader of online sells.To accomplish this, strategy should focus on expanding kiosks globally and domestically. The expansion will leverage Avon by appealing to the market segment requesting additional distribution channels. This strategy will allow for trained beauty consultants to offer advice, education and samples thus increasing brand awareness and loyalty.Kiosks will have minimal start up cost and lower overheads. Focusing on product lines and catering to the needs and wants of each demographic group will prevent the previous pitfalls of lack of integration and decreased brand awareness and loyalty.Keeping Avon’s product offering separate and distinct will help existing challenges of branding. Focusing on technology improvements and online sales, Avon will have an opportunity to emerge as a leader in this area, thus adding additional channels of distribution and appealing to the overwhelming need.Under Andrea Jung’s leadership, Avon has faced a number of challenges. Some of these challenges were addressed successfully and others were not. In the early part of 2000, the management team had the daunting task of choosing an appropriate strategy for the immediate and long-term future for the company.One setback was a decrease in the firm’s growth rate to single digits and stagnated earnings. Avon’s CEO, Andrea Jung, was presented with a multitude of options that ranged from distributing through other departments stores, establishing kiosks, to overh auling the firm’s e-business. Jung was right in acknowledging that Avon’s core competency is direct selling and its major strength is its brand name. By refocusing on the core competency, improving efficiencies, and adapting to the environment with new initiatives, Avon could overcome the hurdles of the past and turn the company in the new direction.This case discussed the revival of Avon under Andrea Jung.1) What is your assessment of Andrea Jung’s performance as chief strategist at Avon Products? What has she done well? What overall grade would you give Andrea Jung for the job she has done as CEO? Answer:My assessment of Andrea Jung’s performance as chief strategists at Avon products is that she has done excellent job. Her first task was to hit the streets of her neighborhood, ringing doorbells, to better understand the desires of customers and needs of sales agents. She pushed for the addition of attractive new products to Avon and its sales representa tives.Andrea listened to the customers and grew global beauty category sales by new product development, sampling and more up-to-date advertising. The company was in serious trouble with annual sale growth of less than 1.5 percent and a crashing stock price during the general economic boon in history. Jung took the role of Avon lady to better understand what customers thought about company’s product and within field of direct sales model. . Avon’s grand strategy under the leadership of Andrea Jung has its merits and is the grand strategy is properly focused and directed.Andrea Jung has clearly directed the successful transformation of Avon Products Inc. by defining its vision as the company for women. With grand strategies in-place she is revitalizing Avon’s reputation as the world’s foremost direct seller of beauty products while leading the company into exciting new lines of businesses, launching a series of bold and image enhancing initiatives, and exp anding career opportunities for people around the world. The strategic plan in place has its merits and the grand strategy is properly focused and directed. Currently, Avon is the world’s leading direct seller of beauty and related products, with $7.7 billion in annual revenues.Avon markets to women around the world through 4. 9 million independent sales representatives. The evidence shows that Jung’s grand strategies were sound. The argument that the grand strategies were not optimal and needed to be refocused was weak due to the overall improvement of company performance and increase in shareholder wealth. Andrea Jung’s charismatic communication skills and management direction has catapulted Avon as a leader in the global beauty and cosmetic market. I would like to give Andrea Jung an â€Å"A† for the job as she has done her job well as CEO.She developed great strategy for Avon that helped to increase in sales. Andrea Jung outlined new vision and strate gic plan for Avon that call for highly innovative new products, build new line of business, critical link as internet in direct selling model and update its direct sales model to better fit 21st century. At age 40 Jung become CEO and in 2001, at age 42 she listed fourth on Fortune’s ranking of the 50 most powerful Women in American Business.2) What is Andre Jung’s strategic vision for Avon? Do you approve of the company’s new strategic direction? Why was it time for Avon to fundamentally change direction? Answer:Andrea Jung’s strategic vision for Avon was for them to be the company that understands and satisfies the product, service and self fulfillment needs for woman globally. I think their new strategic direction made sense. She knew products had to be made to fill the needs of different age group and races. It was time for Avon to become more modern and up-to-date. Jung’s view of new Avon was that of a company beyond selling cosmetics as truste d product which is needed by any women. She was in customer convenient strategy in beauty and financial services.She insisted that supporting women touches not only beauty, but health, fitness, self empowerment and most important financial independence. Yes, Avon’s new strategic direction would launch an entirely new line of business, the development of innovative products, new packaging, new channels to the distribution, a new approach to supply chain management, new sales models and new approaches to image building. When Andrea Jung became Avon’s new CEO in November 1999, the company’s annual sales growth had slowed to less than 1. 5 percent and its stock price had fallen from a high of $55 to a three year low $25.The strategies initiated by Charles Perrin had resulted in some improvement in 1998 with modest sales growth, but in late 1999 Avon was in need of bold direction. When Perrin resigned because of his lack in direct sales limitation, Andrea Jung need a fundamental change in direction. Jung understood the desires of customers and needs of sales agents. She heard the customer grips over product colors, mishandled orders, unattractive packaging, lack of innovative products and confusing promotions.Ultimately she discovered the structural obstacles to achieve in success. Policies for placing orders made difficult for sales agents to increase sales volume and commissions. When Andrea Jung stepped in as CEO of Avon, she brought with her many new, fresh ideas that helped make Avon what it is today. Her strategy didn’t agree with what consultants thought, but she willingly took risks to enforce what she believed to be the best strategy for Avon. We believe that her strategy was good, solid foundation that will continue to keep Avon at the top as America’s number one selling Cosmetic and Beauty Company.3) What is your assessment to the financial and strategic objectives Jung has set for Avon? Do they contain too much stretch ? Too little stretch? Answer:Several things happened once Andrea Jung was named CEO of Avon. First, she decided to reverse the current trend of losing sales. She did this by creating a strategy that would turn the company around. Jung’s suggested strategy to partner with Sears and JC Penney department stores was an idea that would help to promote the strategy she had come up with. It would introduce a new, upscale product line, thus increasing profits, sales and nationwide exposure to the baby boomer segment. Retail selling increased with in-store customer traffic and expected growth of spending power to 16 percent within five years.Face-to-face selling comprised 79.7 percent of direct selling, preferred among senior citizens. The marketing budget would be increased to target customer traffic at Sears and JC Penney. Investment costs were limited to $15 – 20 million to launch retail products, with a bulk of expenses being absorbed by the department store. Avon’s strengths would help increase global recognition of brand name and image. Jung suggested promoting certified Beauty Advisors in department stores and increased incentives for sales representatives.In addition, having department stores sell via the Internet would increase the channels of distribution, thus increasing consumer loyalty. Reduce inventory level while improving service to representatives which increase the forecasting accuracy and order fill rate in supply chain management. Strategy provides opportunity for sales representatives to increase their income and greater career opportunities through sales leadership. Develop E- commerce opportunity for Avon and sales representatives, improving operating margins 50-100 basis points though business process redesign.Another strategy is growing global beauty category sales through in new product development, advertising and sampling. All these factors would affect Avon’s long-term goals by forcing Jung to find new, creative ways to stay fresh in the market. Jung had created a strategic plan that met the vision of Avon; she had created goals that were measurable and geared toward future company growth. The goals seemed to be obtainable in the current business market. In addition, Jung’s idea that technology may be the answer was in response to a changing business environment which included movement toward e-business.This ideal would be synergistic and build upon their present success. It is too little stretch because the objectives were not set boldly and aggressively high. These goals were not impossible targets.4) What have been the key elements of Avon’s strategy been under previous CEOs? What new and different strategy elements have been initiated by Andrea Jung? How well does Andrea Jung’s new strategy seem to match features of the global cosmetics industry and Avon’s resource strength, competitive capabilities, and culture? Answer:Key elements to Avon’s strategy under previous CEO were set to sell directly to consumers via independent sales representatives working on commission. Avon catered to mostly upper middle income females and focused almost exclusively on US cosmetic market.Andrea Jung initiated expansion into markets outside US making Avon products available online, and began selling Avon products through retail channels. She also instituted a more upscale packaging to match the look of prestige cosmetic brands. She focused on a low cost/ low price strategy and focus to sale to low and middle income families.Andrea’s new strategy was likely to improve Avon’s financial performance and help build a competitive advantage. Her approach is sensible in light of what competitors are doing and the position they hold in the market place.Avon is highly backward integrated, self-manufacturing many of the items that they sell. This causes the competitive pressures of suppliers to be weak. Avon can get supplies from many parts of t he world because they have entered foreign markets and produce products in different countries. A lot of Avon’s supplies such as packaging, may be easily substituted if a supplier raised prices.Under Andrea Jung’s direction, Avon is focusing on developing nations especially China. Many developing countries are more receptive to direct selling by women since jobs with Avon are opportunities for women who want to be independent in the male dominated cultures. Avon has also recognized that the demographics has changed and recruiting younger women to sell to the younger customer base. Competitive pressures stemming from customer buying power is moderate because switching costs are low and customers have the ability to fulfill their needs by switching brands.Buyers tend to be well informed about Avon’s product prices and costs largely due to the Internet and this put customers at a position of higher bargaining power. Customers do not pose a threat of integrating bac kwards, because it would not be easy for women to develop their own make-up, perfume or skin care products. Due to the direct selling business model, there is an extremely large number of buyers. Another Avon objective that aims to alleviate pressures coming from competing sellers includes consists of reinventing their antiquated image.Realizing this, Jung endorsed the Williams sisters. Venus and Serena Williams were popular teen icons that portrayed the image where Jung hoped to achieve for Avon; young, powerful, and ambitious.5) How well has Avon’s new strategy been implemented so far? What are Avon’s strategy successes so far? What problems or missteps do you see? How important has Susan Kropf been to Avon’s implementation efforts? Was she a good choice as chief operating officer? Why or why not? Answer:Andrea Jung’s highly successful career would not be possible without effective and insightful management.†Throughout Jung’s ambitious expa nsion, her management style was to emphasize open communication, goal orientation, and feedback from her sales force. † Avon routinely brings in the top performing sales reps from across the globe to Avon’s headquarters in New York City in order to gather first hand feedback from the employees in the field. Ms. Jung herself even attempted to sale Avon’s products as a traditional Avon lady. An attempt she acknowledges was not one of her more successful endeavors. The attempt however, showed Ms. Jung’s commitment to understanding all aspect’s of the Avon business. A common theme in Ms.Jung’s leadership speeches encourage women empowerment and promote a belief that more women will continue to hold key executive roles. Under Ms. Jung’s leadership, Avon management supports flexible work schedules and encourages employees to create a healthy balance between work and family responsibilities.There are a number of missteps that Avon has taken u nder Andrea Jung’s leadership. They include partnering with companies that image does not adequately match Avon’s and the company’s problems with launching its online business segment. Recently, Avon announced plans to partner with Sears and JC Penney’s.One of the potential negative aspects for Avon partnering with JC Penny and Sears would be the possible lowering of brand name for Avon. The company ran the risk of possible further reduction of its brand name. † Since its inception Avon has worked very hard in tailoring its niche market towards women. Ms. Kropf’s most recent responsibilities included certain global staff functions. She retained responsibility for global marketing as well as the companywide Business Process Redesign efforts that have freed up nearly $400 million in the past three years for reinvestment in consumer brand building and other growth initiatives.Yes, Susan Kropf was a good choice as a chief operating officer of Avo n Products Inc. with full profit-and-loss responsibility for all of Avon’s worldwide operations, including global marketing and supply chain. Susan has played a critical role in Avon’s success by sharing her insights on Avon’s rich history and the company’s successful strategies for sustaining brand power for over a century. Susan Kropf reconfigured the value chain thereby cutting costs of non-value adding areas.6) Has Andrea Jung been effective in evaluating the company’s performances, monitoring new developments, and initiating corrective adjustments?Does Andrea Jung appear to have Personal traits well suited to refining and fine-tuning the company’s strategy and implementation efforts? Are her strengths better suited to instituting sweeping changes and quickly moving to a new project? Answer:Andrea Jung represents a great strength to Avon Products Inc. Regardless of gender, any CEO who can take a company with a 50 percent drop in share pr ice and raise company stock by 164 percent in five short years shows insightful leadership and effective management. In addition to the financial success, Ms. Jung has also played a vital role in Avon’s public relations arena.She shows an amazing ability to connect with a variety of shareholders and the public. Her ability to communicate with all levels of an internationally diverse Avon staff and public contribute to Avon’s ability to successfully implement strategic changes in direction.Yes, Andrea Jung’s vision of what she wanted to accomplish as CEO of Avon included a strategy to; improve brand image, introduce new products, increase use of the internet as a channel of distribution, provide greater incentives and opportunities for the sales force, reduce unnecessary costs in the value chain, and continue to expand into global markets.Product innovation was a large part of Jung’s strategy for Avon. In fact, in 1999 she challenged Avon’s R&D team to develop a new product within two years. In less than one year Avon introduced Anew Retroactive, an anti-aging skin cream. It achieved record sales for Avon and led to the development of other successful lines of business.In less than one year Avon introduced Anew Retroactive, an anti-aging skin cream. It achieved record sales for Avon and led to the development of other successful lines of business. For example, Avon Wellness products exceeded sales estimates by 300%.One problem that Avon faces is the strong competition within fields they are trying to expand into. Avon is marketing a nutritional product line called Wellness, which includes vitamins, supplements, bars, etc. This market is competitively strong. Being ahead of the industry in introducing new products combined with the company’s already strong market position could further improve Avon’s brand equity and therefore revenues. In particular, Avon should continue to integrate sales representative into all aspects of sales. This is Avon’s own key success factor and what sets them apart from their competitors.With the growing popularity of the internet as an outlet of commerce, Jung was compelled to implement internet sales into her strategy, realizing that the â€Å"Avon Lady† is the distinctive core competency for Avon in new projects.7) What additional actions would you recommend Andrea Jung take to help the company to achieve its long term strategic and financial objectives? Are any changes needed in the company’s vision? Its objectives? Its strategy? Its implementation efforts? What challenges might the new strategy present to Avon’s top management team? What risks do you see? Answer:Based on demographic data, China holds 20% of the world’s population. This represents a vast market of which Avon has only begun to cover. Avon should continue to focus on the expansion of retail outlet sales in China. Also, because the only sales in China are gener ated through retail outlets, Avon should further develop their Beauty Advisors training. Europe should also be a continued focus for Avon. Industry leader, L’Oreal’s attributes 50% of their total sales to the European market. Avon had a successful growth rate in Europe but only 23% of the total 2003 sales came from Europe.There is still room to expand in this market. Based on one of the industry’s key success factors, product innovation, Avon should focus even more resources on R&D especially in the areas of anti-aging products and teen products. Because 23 million teenagers have an average weekly disposable income of $85, Avon should continue with innovative teen marketing such as the current â€Å"mark† brand but also work on products for problem teen skin. Avon Products Inc under the leadership of CEO Andrea Jung is at a point where there are opportunities for growth for the organization. However Ms.Jung appears to be indisposed towards taking steps to take advantage of Avon’s position. Also her approach is flawed. Let’s take a look at her approach and then also look at viable alternatives. Andrea advocates: partnering with Sears and JC Penny department stores so as to create a store-within-a-store, Avon products.Based on this, the board of directors felt that Jung’s original options did not provide the same amount of increased sales and revenues, attraction to increased clientele base, motivation and acceptance by current sales representatives, or increase shareholder wealth as the consultant’s options did.The consultant’s options provided a means to Avon Products, Inc. to become a household name to those whom were not attracted by limited previous distribution channels, and Jung’s choices of re-invigorating the brand, instituting beauty advisory training, expanding multilevel sales programs or partnering with department stores. Kiosks were admittedly a risk. At $6,000 per kiosk and lack of information on kiosk performance, Andrea indicated these would be too expensive.Perhaps a trial run of a low number of kiosks in the environment would settle this question. In conclusion, the Avon CEO strategy did not impress as very well thought out and it was a good thing she went to the review board first. Avon should stick with their bread and butter – the sales representatives as it is the channel where they were recognized and where they became one of the largest beauty products in the world. The website should be a complement to the services that Avon offers. Recommendations:For promoting direct-sales through consumer and the business; one is to offer incentives to its customers and second is to motivate the business to promoting its products by advertisements, establishing sales competition for employees, participating in conventions, and by endorsing franchise of its products to retail stores.Promoting Avon’s products and high chance of increasing direct-s ales is to offer incentives to its consumers. Incentives provide a positive motivational influence to encourage and excite buyers to buy the products. Such incentives, appropriate for this situation, are coupons, rebates, product samples and awards.Coupons can be attached in mail, beauty magazines, newspapers, and advertisements on mail or on the internet company’s official website. Rebates can be offered also to attract more buyers to buy the products.Rebates can be advertised also on coupons through mail or the internet. Another successful way of attracting consumers is by offering samples of Avon’s cosmetic products, which can be done door-todoor or attached on an advertisement through mail. Finally, awards through prizes, contests or sweepstakes can offer consumers the chance to win something small or big like cash or free-trips.Also, prizes can be offering a free gift whenever a consumers purchase one of Avon’s products. This last incentive option attracts more attention from consumers than the three other options. Motivate the Avon business to reach its goals of promoting its products and gaining sales through advertisements, sales competition, participating in conventions and endorsing franchise. Advertising is the key to attracting consumers and the outcome is high sales. Such advertisement is done through media (television), mail, or the internet.The more awareness from the public of the company likely to attract more buyers and the outcome is high sales. The next option is to encourage Avon’s sales representatives with awards/prizes that reached their sales goals within a period of time.Another is participating in conventions and this is more likely to increase sales through direct contact with customers. Last is to endorse franchise of Avon’s products with small and big cosmetic-related retail stores, such as Macy, JC Penny, etc. This option can be most likely increase sales and in turn profit which is any companyà ¢â‚¬â„¢s ultimate aim.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

45 and 47 Stella Street and Everything that Happened

The children's novel '45 and 47 Stella Street and everything that happened' (Honey, 1995) written by Elizabeth Honey is a novel aimed at pre-adolescent girls. However in saying that boys around the same age would also find this book enjoyable. The story Is told from the perspective of Hinni who Is an 11 year old girl. It Is about her and her ‘Gang, which includes her best friend Zev, Her sister Danielle and Frank, Zev's 6- year-old next-door neighbour who resides at 47 Stella Street.The book tells of their efforts to expose the â€Å"Phonies† and their secret life. It Is evident through analysis of he book that there are sly Implications toward enforcing the concepts of mascullnlty and femininity on young readers using the strategies of narrative theory. Narrative theory consists of three key strategies, the point of vlew/focallsatlon, reader positioning and closure. The point of view or focalisation Is always biased. When watching a film or reading a book you are always watching or reading it from someone or something's perspective.In Stella Street it is Henni who is telling us what is happening, you only see things from her perspective and therefore you tend to ide with her. Reader positioning is very important and very similar to that of point of view and focalisation. Readers or viewers are positioned so that they have a positive response toward some characters and a negative response toward others even though both parties may be both in the wrong on some occasions. The readers of 45 and 47 Stella Street are positioned so that they hope for the Stella Street's gang to succeed over the Phonies.Closure is how the story concludes, who ends up succeeding in the end and who doesn't. Once again in 45 and 47 Stella Street it is the Stella Street gang who triumph over the Phonies. It is evident that the men in 45 and 47 Stella Street hold masculine qualities whilst the women hold feminine traits. In terms of power it is the men that hold this control a s decision making is all about power and throughout the book it is apparent that the men make majority of the decisions.For example it is ZeVs father that makes the Initial decision to move to New Zealand. When Rob and Donna are having trouble with Briquette escaping from the yard it is Rob who decides that they will do nothing† and when the gang are coming up with ideas on how to tackle a problem it seems as though at the end of the deliberation all members of the gang seek Zev's agreement or approval. The male figures also seem to come up with the good Ideas or ask relevant questions more so that the female characters.Throughout the book there are a number of characters that come and go that hold a form of power. For Instance the lawyers, Robert Smeeton, Mr J. D Perry, the Ombudsman Robert Cooper and Detective Sergeant Dave Watson are all very powerful In the positions they hold within society. From this you can see that a female represents none of these highly powerful char acters. I ne 000K Is Tocallsea tnrougn Hennl, sne explalns to readers wnat t I Is sne Ilkes ana what she doesn't like.Everything that she sees happening she interprets and it is all told from her perspective. In one particular part of the novel Henni is explaining how Donna has put up with numerous changes with the building, design and cost of the new fence that is to be erected between 45 and 47 Stella Street. Henni makes the statement that, â€Å"Donna never lost her temper. That's probably how she got the Job he has. She never loses her temper. Rob would have told the Phonies to take a long walk off a short pier. Mum would have gone quiet.She Just buttons up. Dad would have lost his temper, for sure, and called them inconsiderate pea brains. But not Donna. She Just keeps on keeping on. † (Honey, E 1995, pp 38) The way in which the characters mentioned compose themselves is interesting. Traditional gender roles cast men as rational, strong, protective and decisive, whilst o n the other hand women are cast as emotional, irrational, weak, nurturing and submissive. Within the tatement that Henni makes it is evident that parts of the traditional gender roles exist.For example the way in which Henni's mum would have gone quiet illustrates a form of sumbissiveness. In Stella Street there is not a particularly strong sense of patriarchy. However there is some evidence of Patriarchy in some sections of the book for example when they are building the fence between 45 and 47 Stella Street Mr Nic and Zev carry the old posts to Henni's dad who is on the footpath cutting them up with a chainsaw. Danielle and Frank do the running around and fetching of stuff and there is no ention as to what the others are doing.The males are very affirmative and this is shown by Henni's dad and the way in which he says â€Å"right† she knows by the way in which he says it that something is going to happen there's no questioning or buts. The females show their more conservati ve side especially Donna with the way in which she potters around her gardens before she has to go to work. Elizabeth Honey has used strategies of narrative theory throughout her book 45 and 47 Stella Street. Many young readers would not be aware of the ideologies implied hrough this book.